ita krissanti
Stress tolerance yeast strain from papaya wastes for bioethanol production
GL Utama, I Krissanti, DW Wira, RL Balia
GEOMATE Journal 17 (61), 97-103, 2019
Efektivitas dan Pengaruh Kombinasi Anestesi Ketamine-Xylazine pada Tikus (Rattus norvegicus)
I Krissanti, R Hanifa, RG Dwiwina
Gunung Djati Conference Series 18, 245-252, 2023
Efektivitas antibakteri senyawa kurkumin terhadap foodborne bacteria: tinjauan curcuma longa untuk mengatasi resistensi antibiotik
AAAD Sekarini, I Krissanti, MRAA Syamsunarno
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan 2 (4), 538-547, 2020
Anthelmintic Potential of Medicinal Plants against Ancylostoma caninum
S Ekawardhani, UT Anggoro, I Krissanti
Veterinary Medicine International 2021 (1), 3879099, 2021
Potential of waterbodies as a reservoir of Escherichia coli pathogens and the spread of antibiotic resistance in the Indonesian aquatic environment
I Megantara, N Sylviana, PA Amira, GW Pradini, I Krissanti, R Lesmana
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 13 (10), 776-792, 2023
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein sequence variations in ASEAN countries
MRM Negara, I Krissanti, GW Pradini
Medical Journal of Indonesia 30 (2), 89–95-89–95, 2021
Potential zoonotic gastrointestinal nematode infection from goat in Sumedang
N Fauziah, HF Alhafiz, NF Nugraha, I Krissanti, ME Hamda, L Faridah
Journal Kolegium 17 (1), 37-46, 2021
Welfare and Health of Prague Goats in Madiun Zoo of Indonesia
DR Cahya Alamsyah Putra Anugerah, Ita Krissanti
Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 11 (December 2023), pp. 2045-2052, 2023
Pemberian Gelatin Hidrolisat Shank Ayam Kampung (Gallus gallus domesticus) terhadap Struktur Hati dan Ginjal Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Osteoporosis
YP Kuntana, I Krissanti, R Dewantara
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi 2 (1), 368-379, 2022
Sintesis antigen AFB1-BSA dan konjugasi antibodi anti AFB1-BSA dengan nanopartikel emas sebagai pereaksi imunostrip
I Krissanti, A Indrawati, R Maryam
ARSHI Veterinary Letters 4 (4), 77-78, 2020
Deteksi Antibodi Anti-Eschericia coli K99 di dalam Serum Induk Sapi Friesian Holstein Bunting Post Vaksinasi E. coli dengan Teknik ELISA
I Krissanti
Potential Zoonotic Gastrointestinal Nematode Infection from Goat in Sumedang Potensi Zoonosis Infeksi Parasit Nematoda Gastrointestinal Pada Kambing di Sumedang
N Fauziah, HF Alhafiz, NF Nugraha, I Krissanti, M Ersyad, LF Hamda
Strengthening the Regional Veterinary Education and Research for the Future Excellent Veterinary Graduates
H Sato, BC Lee, K Sato
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