Saulo Dubard Barbosa
Saulo Dubard Barbosa
在 em-lyon.com 的电子邮件经过验证
The role of cognitive style and risk preference on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions
SD Barbosa, MW Gerhardt, JR Kickul
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 13 (4), 86-104, 2007
Intuition versus analysis? Testing differential models of cognitive style on entrepreneurial self–efficacy and the new venture creation process
J Kickul, LK Gundry, SD Barbosa, L Whitcanack
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 33 (2), 439-453, 2009
Are misalignments of perceptions and self‐efficacy causing gender gaps in entrepreneurial intentions among our nation's teens?
J Kickul, F Wilson, D Marlino, SD Barbosa
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 15 (2), 321-335, 2008
An analysis of the role of gender and self-efficacy in developing female entrepreneurial interest and behavior
F Wilson, J Kickul, D Marlino, SD Barbosa, MD Griffiths
Journal of developmental Entrepreneurship 14 (02), 105-119, 2009
Resilience and entrepreneurship: A dynamic and biographical approach to the entrepreneurial act
MJ Bernard, SD Barbosa
M@ n@ gement 19 (2), 89-123, 2016
“Living in the fishbowl”. Generating an entrepreneurial culture in a local community in Argentina
I Marti, D Courpasson, SD Barbosa
Journal of Business Venturing 28 (1), 10-29, 2013
The road less intended: Integrating entrepreneurial cognition and risk in entrepreneurship education
SD Barbosa, J Kickul, BR Smith
Journal of Enterprising Culture 16 (04), 411-439, 2008
Expert capital and perceived legitimacy: Female-run entrepreneurial venture signalling and performance
PJ Murphy, J Kickul, SD Barbosa, L Titus
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 8 (2), 127-138, 2007
Social entrepreneurship: A grounded learning approach to social value creation
BR Smith, TF Barr, SD Barbosa, JR Kickul
Journal of Enterprising Culture 16 (04), 339-362, 2008
Une nouvelle approche du risque en création d’entreprise
A Fayolle, S D. Barbosa, J Kickul
Revue française de gestion, 141-159, 2008
Biased and overconfident, unbiased but going for it: How framing and anchoring affect the decision to start a new venture
SD Barbosa, A Fayolle, BR Smith
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (3), 528-557, 2019
Active labor market programs’ effects on entrepreneurship and unemployment
C Laffineur, SD Barbosa, A Fayolle, E Nziali
Small Business Economics 49, 889-918, 2017
One style does not fit all: The role of cognitive style in entrepreneurship education
J Kickul, LK Gundry, SD Barbosa, S Simms
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 9 (1), 36-57, 2010
Development and validation of a multidimensional scale of entrepreneurial risk perception.
SD Barbosa, J Kickul, M Liao-Troth
Academy of Management Proceedings 2007 (1), 1-6, 2007
Where is the risk? Availability, anchoring, and framing effects on entrepreneurial risk taking
SD Barbosa, A Fayolle
Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 2007
The unshackled entrepreneur: Occupational determinants of entrepreneurial effort
C Laffineur, SD Barbosa, A Fayolle, B Montmartin
Journal of Business Venturing 35 (5), 105983, 2020
Assessing risk perception, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions: Implications for entrepreneurship education
SD Barbosa, A Fayolle, N Lassas-Clerc
HAL Post-Print, 2006
La perception du risque dans la décision de création d'entreprise
S Dubard Barbosa
Université Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble; 1990-2015), 2008
Revisiting entrepreneurship research from a decisionmaking perspective
SD Barbosa
Handbook of research on entrepreneurship, 389-426, 2014
L'| art d'entreprendre
A Fayolle, T Atamer, V Bouchard, M Coster, S Barbosa, E Faÿ, PY Gomez, ...
Pearson Education France, 2007
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