John FB Bolte
Temporal and spatial variability of personal exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields
P Frei, E Mohler, G Neubauer, G Theis, A Bürgi, J Fröhlich, ...
Environmental research 109 (6), 779-785, 2009
A review of the ecological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)
S Cucurachi, WLM Tamis, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg, JFB Bolte, ...
Environment international 51, 116-140, 2013
Comparison of personal radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in different urban areas across Europe
W Joseph, P Frei, M Roösli, G Thuróczy, P Gajsek, T Trcek, J Bolte, ...
Environmental research 110 (7), 658-663, 2010
Personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurements in the Netherlands: Exposure level and variability for everyday activities, times of day and types of area
JFB Bolte, T Eikelboom
Environment international 48, 133-142, 2012
Conduct of a personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement study: proposed study protocol
M Röösli, P Frei, J Bolte, G Neubauer, E Cardis, M Feychting, P Gajsek, ...
Environmental Health 9, 1-14, 2010
Calibration and uncertainties in personal exposure measurements of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
JFB Bolte, G van der Zande, J Kamer
Bioelectromagnetics 32 (8), 652-663, 2011
Actual and perceived exposure to electromagnetic fields and non-specific physical symptoms: an epidemiological study based on self-reported data and electronic medical records
C Baliatsas, J Bolte, J Yzermans, G Kelfkens, M Hooiveld, E Lebret, ...
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 218 (3), 331-344, 2015
Non-specific physical symptoms and electromagnetic field exposure in the general population: can we get more specific? A systematic review
C Baliatsas, I Van Kamp, J Bolte, M Schipper, J Yzermans, E Lebret
Environment International 41, 15-28, 2012
Aspects of focusing operator updating
JFB Bolte, DJ Verschuur
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1998, 1604-1607, 1998
Lessons learnt on biases and uncertainties in personal exposure measurement surveys of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields with exposimeters
JFB Bolte
Environment International 94, 724-735, 2016
Non-specific physical symptoms in relation to actual and perceived proximity to mobile phone base stations and powerlines
C Baliatsas, I van Kamp, G Kelfkens, M Schipper, J Bolte, J Yzermans, ...
BMC Public Health 11, 1-12, 2011
Individual variation in temporal relationships between exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and non-specific physical symptoms: A new approach in studying …
RP Bogers, A Van Gils, SCS Clahsen, W Vercruijsse, I Van Kamp, ...
Environment international 121, 297-307, 2018
The Dutch exposimeter study: Developing an activity exposure matrix
JFB Bolte, MJM Pruppers, J Kamer, G Van der Zande, CMA Schipper, ...
Epidemiology 19 (6), S78-S79, 2008
Between‐country comparison of whole‐body SAR from personal exposure data in urban areas
W Joseph, P Frei, M Röösli, G Vermeeren, J Bolte, G Thuróczy, P Gajšek, ...
Bioelectromagnetics 33 (8), 682-694, 2012
CFP operator estimation and inversion demonstrated on a field data set-Part I: operator updating
JFB Bolte, DJ Verschuur, RF Hegge
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1999, 1711-1714, 1999
Electromagnetic fields in the working environment
JFB Bolte, MJM Pruppers
RIVM rapport 610015001, 2006
Everyday exposure to power frequency magnetic fields and associations with non-specific physical symptoms
JFB Bolte, C Baliatsas, T Eikelboom, I van Kamp
Environmental Pollution 196, 224-229, 2015
Validity of at home model predictions as a proxy for personal exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile phone base stations
AL Martens, JFB Bolte, J Beekhuizen, H Kromhout, T Smid, ...
Environmental Research 142, 221-226, 2015
Do car-mounted mobile measurements used for radio-frequency spectrum regulation have an application for exposure assessments in epidemiological studies?
JFB Bolte, M Maslanyj, D Addison, T Mee, J Kamer, L Colussi
Environment international 86, 75-83, 2016
Investigating short-term exposure to electromagnetic fields on reproductive capacity of invertebrates in the field situation
MG Vijver, JFB Bolte, TR Evans, WLM Tamis, WJGM Peijnenburg, ...
Electromagnetic biology and medicine 33 (1), 21-28, 2014
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