Dmitri Naumov
Dmitri Naumov
在 ufz.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Numerical investigation on the performance, sustainability, and efficiency of the deep borehole heat exchanger system for building heating
C Chen, H Shao, D Naumov, Y Kong, K Tu, O Kolditz
Geothermal Energy 7, 1-26, 2019
On a mathematical model for laser-induced thermotherapy
A Fasano, D Hömberg, D Naumov
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (12), 3831-3840, 2010
Experimental characterization and numerical modelling of fracture processes in granite
F Parisio, A Tarokh, R Makhnenko, D Naumov, XY Miao, O Kolditz, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 163, 102-116, 2019
On crack opening computation in variational phase-field models for fracture
K Yoshioka, D Naumov, O Kolditz
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 369, 113210, 2020
A parallelization scheme to simulate reactive transport in the subsurface environment with OGS# IPhreeqc 5.5. 7-3.1. 2
W He, C Beyer, JH Fleckenstein, E Jang, O Kolditz, D Naumov, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (10), 3333-3348, 2015
TESSIN VISLab—laboratory for scientific visualization
L Bilke, T Fischer, C Helbig, C Krawczyk, T Nagel, D Naumov, S Paulick, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 3881-3899, 2014
Numerical investigation on the capacity and efficiency of a deep enhanced U-tube borehole heat exchanger system for building heating
C Chen, W Cai, D Naumov, K Tu, H Zhou, Y Zhang, O Kolditz, H Shao
Renewable Energy 169, 557-572, 2021
Comparative verification of discrete and smeared numerical approaches for the simulation of hydraulic fracturing
K Yoshioka, F Parisio, D Naumov, R Lu, O Kolditz, T Nagel
GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics 10, 1-35, 2019
Implicit numerical integration and consistent linearization of inelastic constitutive models of rock salt
T Nagel, W Minkley, N Böttcher, D Naumov, UJ Görke, O Kolditz
Computers & Structures 182, 87-103, 2017
The MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport project
T Helfer, J Bleyer, T Frondelius, I Yashchuk, T Nagel, D Naumov
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (48), 1-8, 2020
GO2OGS 1.0: a versatile workflow to integrate complex geological information with fault data into numerical simulation models
T Fischer, D Naumov, S Sattler, O Kolditz, M Walther
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (11), 3681-3694, 2015
The MANgrove–GroundwAter feedback model (MANGA)–Describing belowground competition based on first principles
J Bathmann, R Peters, D Naumov, T Fischer, U Berger, M Walther
Ecological modelling 420, 108973, 2020
Non-isothermal two-phase flow in deformable porous media: systematic open-source implementation and verification procedure
N Grunwald, C Lehmann, J Maßmann, D Naumov, O Kolditz, T Nagel
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 8 (3), 107, 2022
A new operator-splitting finite element scheme for reactive transport modeling in saturated porous media
R Lu, T Nagel, J Poonoosamy, D Naumov, T Fischer, V Montoya, ...
Computers & Geosciences 163, 105106, 2022
Environmental information systems: paving the path for digitally facilitated water management (Water 4.0)
O Kolditz, K Rink, E Nixdorf, T Fischer, L Bilke, D Naumov, Z Liao, T Yue
Engineering 5 (5), 828-832, 2019
The influence of cavern length on deformation and barrier integrity around horizontal energy storage salt caverns
J Li, N Zhang, W Xu, D Naumov, T Fischer, Y Chen, D Zhuang, T Nagel
Energy 244, 123148, 2022
Non-isothermal consolidation: A systematic evaluation of two implementations based on multiphase and richards equations
M Pitz, S Kaiser, N Grunwald, V Kumar, J Buchwald, W Wang, D Naumov, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 170, 105534, 2023
L Bilke, C Lehmann, D Naumov, T Fischer, W Wang, J Buchwald, K Rink, ...
Zenodo, 2022
Prototype of a virtual experiment information system for the Mont Terri underground research laboratory
N Graebling, ÖO Şen, L Bilke, T Cajuhi, D Naumov, W Wang, G Ziefle, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 946627, 2022
Rendering technique of multi-layered domain boundaries and its application to fluid flow in porous media visualizations
D Naumov, L Bilke, O Kolditz
Environmental earth sciences 72, 3795-3802, 2014
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