Bertha Selviana Djahi
Bertha Selviana Djahi
Department of Computer Science, University of Nusa Cendana
在 staf.undana.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Optimal vaccination strategy for dengue transmission in Kupang city, Indonesia
MZ Ndii, AR Mage, JJ Messakh, BS Djahi
Heliyon 6 (11), 2020
Estimating the reproduction number and designing the integrated strategies against dengue
MZ Ndii, N Anggriani, JJ Messakh, BS Djahi
Results in Physics 27, 104473, 2021
The effects of hard water consumption on kidney function: insights from mathematical modelling
D Tambaru, BS Djahi, MZ Ndii
AIP conference proceedings 1937 (1), 2018
Feature extraction Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) and Gray Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) for identification of woven fabric motifs in South Central Timor Regency
FS Lesiangi, AY Mauko, BS Djahi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2017 (1), 012010, 2021
Optimal control strategy for the effects of hard water consumption on kidney-related diseases
MZ Ndii, FR Berkanis, D Tambaru, M Lobo, Ariyanto, BS Djahi
BMC Research Notes 13, 1-7, 2020
Estimating the Time Reproduction Number in Kupang City Indonesia, 2016–2020, and Assessing the Effects of Vaccination and Different Wolbachia Strains on …
MZ Ndii, LK Beay, N Anggriani, KN Nukul, BS Djahi
Mathematics 10 (12), 2075, 2022
Sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan tempat kos dengan metode weighted agregated sum product assesment (WASPAS)(Studi kasus Kota Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur)
TA Masangin, T Widiastuti, BS Djahi
Transformasi 17 (2), 2021
Multinomial Naive Bayes Untuk Klasifikasi Status Kredit Mitra Binaan Di Pt. Angkasa Pura I Program Kemitraan
MT Bunga, BS Djahi, YY Nabuasa
J-Icon: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 6 (2), 30-34, 2018
Data Mining Untuk Klasifikasi Status Gizi Desa Di Kabupaten Malaka Menggunakan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor
B Fahik, BS Djahi, ND Rumlaklak
J-Icon: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 6 (1), 1-7, 2018
Determining the important parameters of mathematical models of the propagation of malware
MZ Ndii, BS Djahi, ND Rumlaklak, AK Supriatna
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Information and Internet …, 2019
Klasifikasi Jurusan Menggunakan Metode Naïve Bayes Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) 1 Fatuleu Tengah
A Hailitik, BS Djahi, YY Nabuasa
J-Icon: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 5 (2), 21-27, 2017
Digital image processing: Offline handwritten signature identification using local binary pattern and rotational invariance local binary pattern with learning vector quantization
EKD Kette, DR Sina, BS Djahi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2017 (1), 012011, 2021
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting (F-SAW) Untuk Menentukan Status Gizi Buruk Balita Pada Puskesmas Tetaf Kecamatan Kuatnana …
K Letelay, BS Djahi, M Nokas
J-Icon: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 9 (1), 116-126, 2021
Klasifikasi Spam E-mail Menggunakan Metode Transformed Complement Naïve Bayes (Tcnb)
HF Tapikap, BS Djahi, T Widiastuti
J-Icon: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 7 (1), 21-26, 2019
A nonstandard finite difference scheme for water-related disease mathematical model
MZ Ndii, D Tambaru, BS Djahi
Appl Math Inf Sci 13 (4), 545-551, 2019
Deterministic and stochastic dengue epidemic model: exploring the probability of extinction
MZ Ndii, YA Adi, BS Djahi
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan 16 (2), 583-596, 2022
Effects of vaccination on dengue transmission dynamics
MZ Ndii, JJ Messakh, BS Djahi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1490 (1), 012048, 2020
Aplikasi Keamanan Pesan (. Txt) Menggunakan Metode Triple DES Dan Metode Kombinasi LSB Dan BLUM-BLUM-SHUB
DR Sina, GA Kiu, BS Djahi, ESY Pandie
J-Icon: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 10 (2), 204-209, 2022
The effects of hard water consumption on kidney-related diseases
MZ Ndii, D Tambaru, BS Djahi
AIP conference proceedings 2264 (1), 2020
Implementasi Algoritma K-Means untuk Mengenali Pola Jemaat dalam Kegiatan Pelayanan Gereja
ESY Pandie, T Widiastuti, SAS Mola, BS Djahi
J-Icon: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 7 (2), 110-115, 2019
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