Kupán Krisztina
Kupán Krisztina
Max Planck Institute for Ornitology, Seewiesen
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Dogs' gaze following is tuned to human communicative signals
E Téglás, A Gergely, K Kupán, Á Miklósi, J Topál
Current Biology 22 (3), 209-212, 2012
Why do dogs (Canis familiaris) select the empty container in an observational learning task?
K Kupán, Á Miklósi, G Gergely, J Topál
Animal Cognition 14, 259-268, 2011
Camouflage and clutch survival in plovers and terns
MC Stoddard, K Kupán, HN Eyster, W Rojas-Abreu, M Cruz-López, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32059, 2016
Understanding object-referential attitude expressions in 18-month-olds: the interpretation switching function of ostensive-communicative cues
K Egyed, I Király, K Krekó, K Kupán, G Gergely
Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the SRCD, Boston, 2007
Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers
N Halimubieke, K Kupán, JO Valdebenito, V Kubelka, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 15576, 2020
Morphological and genetic differentiation among Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus populations in Macaronesia
M AlmalkI, K Kupán, MC Carmona-Isunza, P López, A Veiga, ...
Ardeola 64 (1), 3-16, 2016
Mate fidelity in a polygamous shorebird, the snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus)
N Halimubieke, JO Valdebenito, P Harding, M Cruz‐López, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (18), 10734-10745, 2019
Offspring desertion with care? Chick mortality and plastic female desertion in Snowy Plovers
K Kupán, T Székely, M Cruz-López, K Seymour, C Küpper
Behavioral Ecology 32 (3), 428-439, 2021
Interacting effect of two social factors on 18-month-old infants’ imitative behavior: Communicative cues and demonstrator presence
K Kupán, I Király, K Kupán, Á Miklósi, J Topál
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 161, 186-194, 2017
Making the best of a bad job? Chick mortality and flexible female brood care in Snowy Plovers
K Kupán, T Székely, M Cruz-López, K Seymour, C Küpper
BioRxiv, 2019.12. 19.880856, 2019
Feature or location? Infants and adults adopt different strategies to search for a hidden toy in an ambiguous task
K Oláh, K Kupán, A Csík, I Király, J Topál
Infant Behavior and Development 41, 73-79, 2015
Can we employ Eye-Tracker for studying dogs’ communicative skills? a gaze-following experiment
J Topál, A Gergely, K Kupán, E Téglás
Journal of veterinary behavior 6 (1), 87, 2011
Fitness benefits from co-display favour subdominant male–male partnerships between phenotypes
JDM Tolliver, K Kupán, DB Lank, S Schindler, C Küpper
Animal Behaviour 197, 131-154, 2023
Hidden in plain sight: camouflage and hiding behaviour of wild precocial chicks in an open landscape
T Volkmer, K Kupán, VA Rohr-Bender, M Guirao-Ortiz, M Cruz-López, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78 (6), 73, 2024
Diferenciación genética y morfológica entre las poblaciones de chorlitejo patinegro de la Macaronesia
M AlmalkI, K Kupán, MCC Isunza, P López, A Veiga, A Kosztolányi, ...
Ardeola 64 (1), 3-16, 2017
The role of human ostensive-communicative and referential cues on the social learning of human infants and dogs
K Kupán
Konvencionális-cselekvésmegértés és a humán kulturális ismeret-átadás mechanizmusai 3, 5 és 5 éves korban.= Interpretation of conventional actions and the mechanisms of human …
J Topál, K Egyed, D Kampis, I Király, O Koós, K Kupán
OTKA Kutatási Jelentések| OTKA Research Reports, 2012
Az emberi kommunikatív jegyek értelmezése csecsemők és kutyák esetében–Összehasonlító vizsgálat
K Kupán, J Topál, G Gergely
Pszichológia 29 (3), 217-235, 2009
The nature of early ‘episodic’memory: imitation of ambiguous events by 18-and 30-month-old infants
I Király, K Kupán
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