Francesca Vitali
Francesca Vitali
Assistant Professor & Senior Researcher, University of Verona, Italy
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Motivational climate, resilience, and burnout in youth sport
F Vitali, L Bortoli, L Bertinato, C Robazza, F Schena
Sport sciences for health 11, 103-108, 2015
The effects of motivational climate interventions on psychobiosocial states in high school physical education
L Bortoli, M Bertollo, F Vitali, E Filho, C Robazza
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 86 (2), 196-204, 2015
Student intention to engage in leisure-time physical activity: The interplay of task-involving climate, competence need satisfaction and psychobiosocial states in physical …
R Di Battista, C Robazza, MC Ruiz, M Bertollo, F Vitali, L Bortoli
European Physical Education Review 25 (3), 761-777, 2019
Enhancing fitness, enjoyment, and physical self-efficacy in primary school children: a DEDIPAC naturalistic study
F Vitali, C Robazza, L Bortoli, L Bertinato, F Schena, M Lanza
PeerJ 7, e6436, 2019
Imagery ability of elite level athletes from individual vs. team and contact vs. no-contact sports
D Di Corrado, M Guarnera, F Vitali, A Quartiroli, M Coco
PeerJ 7, e6940, 2019
Effects of combined aerobic-strength training vs fitness education program in COPD patients
N Rinaldo, E Bacchi, G Coratella, F Vitali, C Milanese, A Rossi, F Schena, ...
International journal of sports medicine 38 (13), 1001-1008, 2017
Self-efficacy and enjoyment of physical activity in children: Factorial validity of two pictorial scales
M Morano, L Bortoli, MC Ruiz, F Vitali, C Robazza
PeerJ 7, e7402, 2019
Self-efficacy, emotional states, and performance in carom billiards
DD Corrado, F Vitali, C Robazza, L Bortoli
Perceptual and motor skills 121 (1), 14-25, 2015
The implementation and evaluation of a media literacy intervention about PAES use in sport science students
L Mallia, A Chirico, A Zelli, F Galli, T Palombi, L Bortoli, C Conti, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 368, 2020
Efficacy of physical activity interventions on psychological outcomes in refugee, asylum seeker and migrant populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis
M Purgato, J Richards, E Prina, A Kip, L Del Piccolo, G Michencigh, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 54, 101901, 2021
Action monitoring through external or internal focus of attention does not impair endurance performance
F Vitali, C Tarperi, J Cristini, A Rinaldi, A Zelli, F Lucidi, F Schena, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 448250, 2019
From elite sport to the job market: Development and initial validation of the Athlete Competency Questionnaire for Employability (ACQE)
S Smismans, P Wylleman, K De Brandt, S Defruyt, F Vitali, Y Ramis, ...
Cultura_Ciencia_Deporte [CCD] 16 (47), 2021
Initial validation of the Psychobiosocial States in Physical Education (PBS-SPE) scale
L Bortoli, F Vitali, R Di Battista, MC Ruiz, C Robazza
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 423884, 2018
Il luoghi della partecipazione: una ricerca su donne, lavoro e politica
F Vitali
Il luoghi della partecipazione, 0-0, 2009
Verso la scelta imprenditoriale? Il ruolo dei significati attribuiti al lavoro.”
F Fraccaroli, F Vitali
I giovani e la scelta imprenditoriale, 111-136, 2001
A Moderated mediation analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on well-being and sport readiness of Italian team sports players: The role of perceived safety of the …
F Vitali, E Bisagno, M Coco, A Cadamuro, NM Maldonato, D Di Corrado
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (5), 2764, 2022
Assessing individual performance in team sports: a new method developed in youth volleyball
E Bisagno, S Morra, M Basciano, C Rosina, F Vitali
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 4 (3), 53, 2019
A bio-psycho-social co-created intervention for young adults with multiple sclerosis (ESPRIMO): rationale and study protocol for a feasibility study
V Donisi, A Gajofatto, MA Mazzi, F Gobbin, IM Busch, A Ghellere, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 598726, 2021
Women coaches at top level: Looking back through the maze
M Borrueco, M Torregrossa, S Pallarès, F Vitali, Y Ramis
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 18 (2), 327-338, 2023
Social identity implications for active individuals with physical disabilities
JJ Martin, F Vitali
Social identity, 163-173, 2011
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