Pascal Tarits
Pascal Tarits
Université Bretagne Occidentale
在 univ-brest.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Joint inversion of marine magnetotelluric and gravity data incorporating seismic constraints: Preliminary results of sub-basalt imaging off the Faroe Shelf
MD Jegen, RW Hobbs, P Tarits, A Chave
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 282 (1-4), 47-55, 2009
Asymmetric electrical structure in the mantle beneath the East Pacific Rise at 17 S
RL Evans, P Tarits, AD Chave, A White, G Heinson, JH Filloux, H Toh, ...
Science 286 (5440), 752-756, 1999
High-frequency seismo-electromagnetic effects
M Parrot, J Achache, JJ Berthelier, E Blanc, A Deschamps, F Lefeuvre, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 77 (1-2), 65-83, 1993
Toward a unified hydrous olivine electrical conductivity law
E Gardés, F Gaillard, P Tarits
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (12), 4984-5000, 2014
Deep structure of the Baringo Rift Basin (central Kenya) from three‐dimensional magnetotelluric imaging: Implications for rift evolution
S Hautot, P Tarits, K Whaler, B Le Gall, JJ Tiercelin, C Le Turdu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B10), 23493-23518, 2000
Interpretation of temperature measurements from the Kaiko-Nankai cruise: Modeling of fluid flow in clam colonies
P Henry, JP Foucher, X Le Pichon, M Sibuet, K Kobayashi, P Tarits, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 109 (3-4), 355-371, 1992
Magnetotelluric observations across the Juan de Fuca subduction system in the EMSLAB project
PE Wannamaker, JR Booker, JH Filloux, AG Jones, GR Jiracek, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 94 (B10), 14111-14125, 1989
Magnetotelluric imaging of the Society Islands hotspot
R Nolasco, P Tarits, JH Filloux, AD Chave
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B12), 30287-30309, 1998
Water in the mantle: Results from electrical conductivity beneath the French Alps
P Tarits, S Hautot, F Perrier
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (6), 2004
Electric potential variations associated with yearly lake level variations
F Perrier, M Trique, B Lorne, JP Avouac, S Hautot, P Tarits
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (11), 1955-1958, 1998
Electromagnetic studies of global geodynamic processes
P Tarits
Surveys in Geophysics 15 (2), 209-238, 1994
MOISE: A pilot experiment towards long term sea-floor geophysical observatories
B Romanowicz, D Stakes, JP Montagner, P Tarits, R Uhrhammer, ...
Earth, planets and space 50, 927-937, 1998
The heterogeneous electrical conductivity structure of the lower mantle
P Tarits, M Mandéa
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 183 (1-2), 115-125, 2010
The December 4, 1983 to February 18, 1984 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise (la Réunion, Indian Ocean): description and interpretation
JF Lénat, P Bachèlery, A Bonneville, P Tarits, JL Cheminée, H Delorme
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 36 (1-3), 87-112, 1989
Joint inversion of gravity and surface wave data constrained by magnetotelluric: application to deep geothermal exploration of crustal fault zone in felsic basement
JM Ars, P Tarits, S Hautot, M Bellanger, O Coutant, M Maia
Geothermics 80, 56-68, 2019
3-D magnetotelluric inversion and model validation with gravity data for the investigation of flood basalts and associated volcanic rifted margins
S Hautot, RT Single, J Watson, N Harrop, DA Jerram, P Tarits, K Whaler, ...
Geophysical Journal International 170 (3), 1418-1430, 2007
TIARES Project—Tomographic investigation by seafloor array experiment for the Society hotspot
D Suetsugu, H Shiobara, H Sugioka, A Ito, T Isse, T Kasaya, N Tada, ...
Earth, planets and space 64, i-iv, 2012
Constraints on thermal state and composition of the Earth's lower mantle from electromagnetic impedances and seismic data
O Verhoeven, A Mocquet, P Vacher, A Rivoldini, M Menvielle, PA Arrial, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B3), 2009
Lithospheric low-velocity zones associated with a magmatic segment of the Tanzanian Rift, East Africa
M Plasman, C Tiberi, C Ebinger, S Gautier, J Albaric, S Peyrat, ...
Geophysical Journal International 210 (1), 465-481, 2017
Groundwater electromagnetic imaging in complex geological and topographical regions: A case study of a tectonic boundary in the French Alps
S Hautot, P Tarits, F Perrier, C Tarits, M Trique
Geophysics 67 (4), 1048-1060, 2002
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