Emotion management in the workplace SC Bolton Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 | 982 | 2005 |
Trolley dolly or skilled emotion manager? Moving on from Hochschild's managed heart SC Bolton, C Boyd Work, employment and society 17 (2), 289-308, 2003 | 937 | 2003 |
Who cares? Offering emotion work as a ‘gift’in the nursing labour process SC Bolton Journal of advanced nursing 32 (3), 580-586, 2000 | 615 | 2000 |
Changing faces: nurses as emotional jugglers S Bolton Sociology of health & illness 23 (1), 85-100, 2001 | 436 | 2001 |
The paradoxical processes of feminization in the professions: the case of established, aspiring and semi-professions S Bolton, D Muzio Work, employment and society 22 (2), 281-299, 2008 | 359 | 2008 |
Women's work, dirty work: the gynaecology nurse as ‘other’ SC Bolton Gender, work & organization 12 (2), 169-186, 2005 | 304 | 2005 |
The (mis) representation of customer service SC Bolton, M Houlihan Work, employment and society 19 (4), 685-703, 2005 | 239 | 2005 |
Dimensions of dignity at work S Bolton Routledge, 2007 | 224 | 2007 |
Corporate social responsibility as a dynamic internal organizational process: A case study SC Bolton, RC Kim, KD O’Gorman Journal of business ethics 101, 61-74, 2011 | 219 | 2011 |
Are we having fun yet? A consideration of workplace fun and engagement SC Bolton, M Houlihan Employee Relations 31 (6), 556-568, 2009 | 218 | 2009 |
The emotional organization: Passions and power S Fineman John Wiley & Sons, 2009 | 216 | 2009 |
Can't live with'Em; Can't live without'Em: gendered segmentation in the legal profession SC Bolton, D Muzio Sociology 41 (1), 47-64, 2007 | 216 | 2007 |
A simple matter of control? NHS hospital nurses and new management SC Bolton Journal of Management Studies 41 (2), 317-333, 2004 | 204 | 2004 |
'Emotion Here, Emotion There, Emotional Organisations Everywhere' SC Bolton Critical perspectives on accounting 11 (2), 155-171, 2000 | 204 | 2000 |
Conceptual confusions: emotion work as skilled work S Bolton The skills that matter, 19-37, 2004 | 187 | 2004 |
Getting to the heart of the emotional labour process: a reply to Brook SC Bolton Work, employment and society 23 (3), 549-560, 2009 | 170 | 2009 |
Work, employment and society through the lens of moral economy SC Bolton, K Laaser Work, employment and society 27 (3), 508-525, 2013 | 159 | 2013 |
‘Making up’managers: the case of NHS nurses SC Bolton Work, Employment and Society 19 (1), 5-23, 2005 | 157 | 2005 |
Searching for the human in human resource management: Theory, practice and workplace contexts S Bolton, M Houlihan Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007 | 148 | 2007 |
Multiple roles? Nurses as managers in the NHS SC Bolton International Journal of Public Sector Management 16 (2), 122-130, 2003 | 122 | 2003 |