Yahia Omar Adam
Yahia Omar Adam
Professor of Socioeconomics in Forestry
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Contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products livelihood strategies to rural development in drylands of Sudan: Potentials and failures
YO Adam, J Pretzsch, D Pettenella
Agricultural Systems 117, 90-97, 2013
Africa’s wooden elephant: the baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) in Sudan and Kenya: a review
J Gebauer, YO Adam, AC Sanchez, D Darr, MES Eltahir, KEM Fadl, ...
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 63, 377-399, 2016
Land use conflicts in central Sudan: Perception and local coping mechanisms
YO Adam, J Pretzsch, D Darr
Land Use Policy 42, 1-6, 2015
Forest dependency and its effect on conservation in Sudan: A case of Sarf-Saaid Reserved Forest in Gadarif state.
YO Adam, AM El Tayeb
Agriculture & Forestry/Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo 60 (3), 2014
Distribution of forest income among rural households: A case study from Natma Taung national park, Myanmar
PS Aung, YO Adam, J Pretzsch, R Peters
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 24 (3), 190-201, 2015
Forestry decentralization and poverty alleviation: A review
YO Adam, AM Eltayeb
Forest Policy and Economics 73, 300-307, 2016
A historical political ecology of forest access and use in Sudan: Implications for sustainable rural livelihoods
N Daur, YO Adam, J Pretzsch
Land Use Policy 58, 95-101, 2016
Contribution of local trade in Ziziphusspina-christi L. fruits to rural household’s economy in Rashad Locality: Sudan
YO Adam, J Pretzsch
Forestry ideas 1 (39), 19-27, 2010
Commodity chain of frankincense from the dry woodlands of Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan State, Sudan
AA Abtew, J Pretzsch, T El-Sheikh Mohmoud, YO Adam
Small-Scale Forestry 11, 365-388, 2012
The contribution of small-scale forestry-based enterprises to the rural economy in the developing world: The case of the informal carpentry sector, Sudan
YO Adam, D Pettenella
Small-scale forestry 12, 461-474, 2013
HIV/AIDS and other household shocks as catalysts of local commercialization of non‐timber forest products in Southern Africa
D Weyer, CM Shackleton, YO Adam
Development Policy Review 36, O285-O301, 2018
Distribution and use of cash income from basket and mat crafting: Implications for rural livelihoods in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
YO Adam, CM Shackleton
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 25 (3), 199-211, 2016
Contribution of local-level trade in non timber forest products to rural development in Rashad locality of Nuba Mountains, Sudan
YOA Gumaa
Distribution, fruit production and natural regeneration of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst. subsp. birrea in the Nuba mountains, Sudan
DMA Daldoum, MM Massaud, YO Adam
World J Agric Sci 8 (3), 234-239, 2012
Population status of Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst in the dry woodlands of Nuba mountains, south Kordofan state, Sudan
AA Abtew, J Pretzsch, TES Mohamoud, YO Adam
Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo 54 (1-4), 41, 2008
Role of Adansonia digitata L. fruits in development and forest conservation in Rashad Locality, Nuba Mountains, Sudan
YO Adam, MA Eisa, DM Ahmed
University of Khartoum Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 (3), 2012
An analytical framework for assessing the effect of income from non-timber forest products on poverty alleviation in Savannah region, Sudan
YO Adam
University of Khartoum, 2019
Ethnobotany of wild baobab (Adansonia digitata L.): A way forward for species domestication and conservation in Sudan
NA Gurashi, MAY Kordofani, YO Adam
Journal of forest and environmental science 33 (4), 270-280, 2017
Can fuel switching from wood to liquefied petroleum gas reduce the deforestation in Sudan?
FE Eldirdiri, YO Adam
The importance of farm trees in rural livelihoods in eastern Galabat locality, Sudan.
MAA Hemida, Y Adam
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