Maciej T. Tomczak
Maciej T. Tomczak
其他姓名Maciej Tomczak
Researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources.. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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Eastern Baltic cod in distress: biological changes and challenges for stock assessment
M Eero, J Hjelm, J Behrens, K Buchmann, M Cardinale, M Casini, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (8), 2180-2186, 2015
Combined effects of global climate change and regional ecosystem drivers on an exploited marine food web
S Niiranen, J Yletyinen, MT Tomczak, T Blenckner, O Hjerne, ...
Global change biology 19 (11), 3327-3342, 2013
Implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management: from single-species to integrated ecosystem assessment and advice for Baltic Sea fish stocks
C Möllmann, M Lindegren, T Blenckner, L Bergström, M Casini, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5), 1187-1197, 2014
Integrated ecological–economic fisheries models—Evaluation, review and challenges for implementation
JR Nielsen, E Thunberg, DS Holland, JO Schmidt, EA Fulton, F Bastardie, ...
Fish and fisheries 19 (1), 1-29, 2018
Biological ensemble modeling to evaluate potential futures of living marine resources
A Gårdmark, M Lindegren, S Neuenfeldt, T Blenckner, O Heikinheimo, ...
Ecological applications 23 (4), 742-754, 2013
Recruitment of lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus in relation to density dependence and zooplankton composition
M van Deurs, R van Hal, MT Tomczak, SH Jónasdóttir, P Dolmer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 381, 249-258, 2009
Ecosystem flow dynamics in the Baltic Proper—Using a multi-trophic dataset as a basis for food–web modelling
MT Tomczak, S Niiranen, O Hjerne, T Blenckner
Ecological Modelling 230, 123-147, 2012
Towards ecosystem-based management: identifying operational food-web indicators for marine ecosystems
JC Tam, JS Link, AG Rossberg, SI Rogers, PS Levin, MJ Rochet, A Bundy, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (7), 2040-2052, 2017
Ecological network indicators of ecosystem status and change in the Baltic Sea
MT Tomczak, JJ Heymans, J Yletyinen, S Niiranen, SA Otto, T Blenckner
PLoS one 8 (10), e75439, 2013
Modeling social—ecological scenarios in marine systems
H Österblom, A Merrie, M Metian, WJ Boonstra, T Blenckner, JR Watson, ...
BioScience 63 (9), 735-744, 2013
Analysis of trophic networks and carbon flows in south-eastern Baltic coastal ecosystems
MT Tomczak, B Müller-Karulis, L Järv, J Kotta, G Martin, A Minde, ...
Progress in Oceanography 81 (1-4), 111-131, 2009
Climate influence on Baltic cod, sprat, and herring stock–recruitment relationships
P Margonski, S Hansson, MT Tomczak, R Grzebielec
Progress in Oceanography 87 (1-4), 277-288, 2010
Impact of climate change on fish population dynamics in the Baltic Sea: a dynamical downscaling investigation
BR MacKenzie, HEM Meier, M Lindegren, S Neuenfeldt, M Eero, ...
Ambio 41, 626-636, 2012
Shared socio-economic pathways extended for the Baltic Sea: exploring long-term environmental problems
M Zandersen, K Hyytiäinen, HEM Meier, MT Tomczak, B Bauer, ...
Regional Environmental Change 19, 1073-1086, 2019
Investigating the recent decline in gadoid stocks in the west of Scotland shelf ecosystem using a foodweb model
KA Alexander, JJ Heymans, S Magill, MT Tomczak, SJ Holmes, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (2), 436-449, 2015
Regime shifts in the Northern Benguela ecosystem: challenges for management
JJ Heymans, MT Tomczak
Ecological Modelling 331, 151-159, 2016
Reducing eutrophication increases spatial extent of communities supporting commercial fisheries: a model case study
B Bauer, HEM Meier, M Casini, A Hoff, P Margoński, A Orio, S Saraiva, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (4), 1306-1317, 2018
How to determine the likely indirect food-web consequences of a newly introduced non-native species: a worked example
JK Pinnegar, MT Tomczak, JS Link
Ecological Modelling 272, 379-387, 2014
Hidden variables in a Dynamic Bayesian Network identify ecosystem level change
L Uusitalo, MT Tomczak, B Müller-Karulis, I Putnis, N Trifonova, A Tucker
Ecological Informatics 45, 9-15, 2018
The fecundity and gonad development cycle of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas 1811) from the Gulf of Gdańsk
MT Tomczak, MR Sapota
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 35 (4), 353-367, 2006
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