Bimo Dwisatrio
Bimo Dwisatrio
其他姓名Bimo Dwi Satrio
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Coordination and cross-sectoral integration in REDD+: experiences from seven countries
K Korhonen-Kurki, M Brockhaus, B Bushley, A Babon, MF Gebara, ...
Climate and Development 8 (5), 458-471, 2016
Analyzing REDD+ as an experiment of transformative climate governance: Insights from Indonesia
KK Kaisa, B Maria, M Efrian, J Sirkku, M Moira, M Cynthia, D Bimo
Environmental Science & Policy 73, 61-70, 2017
The context of REDD+ in Myanmar: Drivers, agents and institutions
TN Oo, EES Hlaing, YY Aye, N Chan, SS Phyoe, P Thu, PT Thuy, ...
Agrometeorological learning increasing farmers' knowledge in coping with climate change and unusual risks
YT Winarto, K Stigter, B Dwisatrio, M Nurhaga, A Bowolaksono
Southeast Asian Studies 2 (2), 323-349, 2013
REDD+ in Indonesia: A new mode of governance or just another project?
M Moeliono, M Brockhaus, C Gallemore, B Dwisatrio, CD Maharani, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 121, 102316, 2020
The context of REDD+ in Guyana: Drivers, agents and institutions
V Benn, PT Thuy, M Moeliono, R Thomas, P Chesney, B Dwisatrio
The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Drivers, agents and institutions
F Kengoum, TT Pham, M Moeliono, B Dwisatrio, DJ Sonwa
CIFOR, 2020
REDD+ finance in Brazil, Indonesia and Vietnam: Stakeholder perspectives between 2009-2019
TT Pham, M Moeliono, J Yuwono, B Dwisatrio, P Gallo
Global Environmental Change 70 (September 2021), 102330, 2021
Forest governance in DRC: an analysis from actors’ participation in REDD+ policy development
TT Pham, F Kengoum, M Moeliono, B Dwisatrio
International Forestry Review 23 (1), 79-89, 2021
Revisiting the REDD+ experience in Indonesia: Lessons from national, subnational and local implementation
S Nofyanza, M Moeliono, V Selviana, B Dwisatrio, N Liswanti, A Tamara, ...
CIFOR, 2020
The context of REDD+ in Indonesia: drivers, agents and institutions.
B Dwisatrio, Z Said, AP Permatasari, C Maharani, M Moeliono, A Wijaya, ...
Dinamika Kolaborasi Ilmuwan dan Petani dalam Program Penelitian Pengukuran Curah Hujan [The dynamics of collaboration between scientists and farmers in rainfall measurement …
B Dwisatrio
Unpublished undergraduate thesis in anthropology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 2010
Social Forestry in Indonesia: Fragmented Values, Progress, Contradictions, and Opportunities
M Moeliono, MAK Sahide, IW Bong, B Dwisatrio
Social Value, Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship: Insights from …, 2023
Brown Planthopper in Klaten-Boyolali-Sukoharjo, Central Java
YT Winarto, JJ Fox, M Nurhaga, J Avessina, NY Kinanti, B Dwisatrio
https://ricehopper.wordpress.com/2011/05/17/brown-planthopper-in-klaten …, 2011
REDD+ benefit sharing in Ethiopia: policy and stakeholder perceptions analysis
TT Pham, M Moeliono, B Dwisatrio, J Yuwono, S Atmadja
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 476-491, 2021
Planthopper virus problems in Klaten, Boyolali and Sukoharjo, Indonesia
YT Winarto, JJ Fox, B Dwisatrio, M Nurhaga, N Kinanti
https://ricehopper.wordpress.com/2011/08/20/planthopper-virus-problems-in …, 2011
Towards Indonesian carbon market: Input from REDD+ projects
S Nofyanza, B Dwisatrio, S Atmadja, M Moeliono, TT Pham
https://www.cifor-icraf.org/knowledge/publication/8867/, 2023
The Job Creation Law and REDD: Possible synergies and challenges
B Dwisatrio, S Nofyanza, M Moeliono, PT Thuy, IWS Dharmawan
Results-based payments in Indonesia: A strategy to move REDD+ forward?
B Dwisatrio
https://forestsnews.cifor.org/70458/results-based-payments-in-indonesia-a …, 2021
Designing REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms: From policy to practice
G Wong, PT Thuy, I Valencia, C Luttrell, A Larson, A Yang, A Hassan, ...
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