Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Biomedical Engineering, Trinity
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Comparative peg-in-hole testing of a force-based manipulation controlled robotic hand
K Van Wyk, M Culleton, J Falco, K Kelly
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 34 (2), 542-549, 2018
Towards the improvement of tool condition monitoring systems in the manufacturing environment
G O’Donnell, P Young, K Kelly, G Byrne
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 119 (1-3), 133-139, 2001
Meet Stevie: a socially assistive robot developed through application of a ‘design-thinking’approach
C McGinn, E Bourke, A Murtagh, C Donovan, P Lynch, MF Cullinan, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 98, 39-58, 2020
Intelligent energy based status identification as a platform for improvement of machine tool efficiency and effectiveness
E O'Driscoll, K Kelly, GE O'Donnell
Journal of Cleaner Production 105, 184-195, 2015
AI-based condition monitoring of the drilling process
B Brophy, K Kelly, G Byrne
Journal of materials processing technology 124 (3), 305-310, 2002
Controlling robots in the home: factors that affect the performance of novice robot operators
C McGinn, A Sena, K Kelly
Applied ergonomics 65, 23-32, 2017
A McKibben type sleeve pneumatic muscle and integrated mechanism for improved stroke length
MF Cullinan, E Bourke, K Kelly, C McGinn
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 9 (1), 011013, 2017
Design of a terrain adaptive wheeled robot for human-orientated environments
C McGinn, MF Cullinan, M Otubela, K Kelly
Autonomous Robots 43, 63-78, 2019
Divergent prototyping effect on the final design solution: the role of" Dark Horse" prototype in innovation projects
LFCS Durão, K Kelly, DN Nakano, E Zancul, CL McGinn
Procedia Cirp 70, 265-271, 2018
Teaching innovation in interdisciplinary environments: toward a design thinking syllabus
M Wiesche, F Uebernickel, E Byler, JP Garcia-Cifuentes, S Suzuki, ...
Towards the design of a new humanoid robot for domestic applications
C. McGinn, M. Cullinan, D. Holland, K. Kelly
IEEE Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, TePRA …, 2014
Modelling the influence of machining dynamics on surface topography in turning
K Kelly, P Young, G Byrne
International journal of mechanical sciences 41 (4-5), 507-526, 1999
Using the geneva emotion wheel to classify the expression of emotion on robots
C McGinn, K Kelly
Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2018
A human-oriented framework for developing assistive service robots
C McGinn, MF Cullinan, M Culleton, K Kelly
Disability and rehabilitation: assistive technology 13 (3), 293-304, 2018
Increasing gender diversity in STEM: A tool for raising awareness of the engineering profession
MG Ballatore, L Barman, J De Borger, J Ehlermann, R Fryers, K Kelly, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological …, 2019
Exploring the application of design thinking to the development of service robot technology
C McGinn, E Bourke, A Murtagh, M Cullinan, K Kelly
ICRA2018 Workshop on Elderly Care Robotics-Technology and Ethics (WELCARO), 2018
Framework for assessing robotic dexterity within flexible manufacturing
M Culleton, C McGinn, K Kelly
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 87, 507-529, 2017
Proposing a performance framework for innovation measurement: an exploratory case-based research
V Nappi, K Kelly
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 71 (5 …, 2022
Measuring knowledge management in the innovation process: a systematic literature review
V Nappi, K Kelly
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 12 (2), 161-182, 2021
Prediction of engineering student progression from entrance data
K Kelly, C Marshall
29th Int. Manufacturing Conf., Univ. of Ulster, Belfast, North Ireland, 2012
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