Juan Pablo Micozzi
The Governor'Backyard: A Seat-Vote Model of Electoral Reform for Subnational Multiparty Races
E Calvo, JP Micozzi
The Journal of Politics 67 (4), 1050-1074, 2005
Does Women’s Presence change Legislative Behavior? Evidence from Argentina, 1983-2007
M Htun, M Lacalle, JP Micozzi
Journal of Politics in Latin America 5 (1), 95-125, 2013
Government and Opposition in the Argentine Congress, 1989-2007: Understanding Inter-Party Dynamics through Roll Call Vote Analysis
MP Jones, W Hwang, JP Micozzi
Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2009
Las fuentes institucionales del gobierno dividido en la Argentina: sesgo mayoritario, sesgo partidario y competencia electoral en las legislaturas provinciales argentinas
E Calvo, M Szwarcberg, JP Micozzi, JF Labanca
El federalismo electoral argentino: sobrerrepresentación, reforma política y …, 2001
The Subnational Connection in Unitary Regimes: Progressive Ambition and Legislative Behavior in Uruguay
D Chasquetti, JP Micozzi
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2014
Does electoral accountability make a difference? Direct elections, career ambition, and legislative performance in the Argentine Senate
JP Micozzi
The Journal of Politics 75 (1), 137-149, 2013
The electoral connection in multi-level systems with non-static ambition: Linking political careers and legislative performance in Argentina
JP Micozzi
Rice University, 2009
Alliance for Progress? Multilevel Ambition and Patterns of Cosponsorship in the Argentine House
JP Micozzi
Comparative Political Studies, 2014
From House to Home: Linking Multi-Level Ambition and Legislative Performance in Argentina
JP Micozzi
Journal of Legislative Studies 20 (3), 265-284, 2014
Disentangling the Role of Ideology and Partisanship in Legislative Voting: Evidence from Argentina
E Alemán, JP Micozzi, PM Pinto, S Saiegh
Legislative Studies Quarterly 43 (2), 245-273, 2018
The Effect of the Electoral Calendar on Politicians' Selection into Legislative Cohorts and Legislative Behavior in Argentina, 1983–2007
A Lucardi, JP Micozzi
Legislative Studies Quarterly 41 (4), 811-840, 2016
The Hidden Electoral Connection: Analyzing Information Requests in the Chilean Congress
E Aleman, JP Micozzi, M Ramírez
Journal of Legislative Studies 24 (2), 227-244, 2018
Control, concertación, crisis y cambio: cuatro C para dos K en el Congreso nacional
MP Jones, JP Micozzi
La Política en tiempos de los Kirchner, 49-62, 2012
Argentina’s unrepresentative and uneffective congress under the Kirchners
M Jones, JP Micozzi
Representativeness and Effectiveness in Latin American Democracies: Congress …, 2013
How valuable is a legislative seat? Incumbency effects in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies
JP Micozzi, A Lucardi
Political Science Research and Methods, 1-16, 2021
Procesos de reforma institucional en las provincias de Chaco, Chubut y la Pampa
JP Micozzi
Trabajo presentado en el Congreso de la Latin American Studies Association …, 2001
District Magnitude and Women’s Representation: Evidence from Argentina and Latin America
A Lucardi, JP Micozzi
American Journal of Political Science 66 (2), 2022
Division or Union of Labor? Analyzing Workers’ Representation in the Argentine Congress
JP Micozzi
Latin American Politics and Society 60 (4), 93-102, 2018
Ellos los representantes, nosotros los representados: reflexiones sobre la representación y la conexión electoral en la Argentina contemporánea
JP Micozzi
Revista SAAP 7 (2), 401-411, 2013
An empirical stochastic model of Argentina’s Impossible Game (1955–1966)
JP Micozzi, SM Saiegh
Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (2), 266-287, 2016
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