Methods of facial images processing and recognition in biometrics GA Kukharev, EI Kamenskaya, YN Matveev, NL Shchegoleva SPb.: Politechnika, 2013 | 142* | 2013 |
Biometric technologies of person identification by voice and other modalities Y Matveev Vestnik MGTU. Priborostroenie 3 (3), 46-61, 2012 | 113* | 2012 |
Deep Speaker Embeddings for Far-Field Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances A Gusev, V Volokhov, T Andzhukaev, S Novoselov, G Lavrentyeva, ... Proc. The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop (Odyssey 2020), 179-186, 2020 | 54 | 2020 |
Цифровая обработка сигналов: учебное пособие ЮН Матвеев, КК Симончик, АЮ Тропченко, МВ Хитров СПб НИУ ИТМО, 2013 | 51* | 2013 |
Принципы построения конвейерного клеточного автомата с произвольной траекторией сканирования изображений ЮН Матвеев, ЕФ Очин Известия вузов. Приборостроение 27 (4), 49-53, 1984 | 46* | 1984 |
SVID Speaker Recognition System for NIST SRE 2012 A Kozlov, O Kudashev, Y Matveev, T Pekhovsky, K Simonchik, A Shulipa Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8113, 278-285, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
The Problem of Voice Template Aging in Speaker Recognition Systems Y Matveev Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8113, 345-353, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
AD-Child. Ru: Speech corpus for Russian children with atypical development E Lyakso, O Frolova, A Kaliyev, V Gorodnyi, A Grigorev, Y Matveev International Conference on Speech and Computer, 299-308, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Method of evaluation of speech signal clipping level S Aleinik, Y Matveev, A Raev Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and …, 2012 | 31* | 2012 |
Speaker identification system for the NIST SRE 2010 IN Belykh, AI Kapustin, AV Kozlov, AI Lohanova, YN Matveev, ... Informatika i Ee Primeneniya [Informatics and its Applications] 6 (1), 91-98, 2012 | 27* | 2012 |
Detection of Clipped Fragments in Speech Signals S Aleinik, Y Matveev WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 86, 703-709, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Speaker recognition system for the NIST SRE 2012 AV Kozlov, O Kudashev, YN Matveev, TS Pekhovsky, KK Simonchik, ... Informatics and Automation 25, 350-370, 2013 | 26* | 2013 |
The speaker identification system for the NIST SRE 2010 YN Matveev, KK Simonchik Proc. GraphiCon-2010, St. Petersburg, Russia, 315-319, 2010 | 26* | 2010 |
A highly efficient neural network solution for automated detection of pointer meters with different analog scales operating in different conditions A Alexeev, G Kukharev, Y Matveev, A Matveev Mathematics 8 (7), 1104, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Study of informative speech features for automatic speaker identification YN Matveev Journal of Instrument Engineering 56 (2), 47-51, 2013 | 20* | 2013 |
Convolutional neural networks for face anti-spoofing SS Volkova, YN Matveev Nauchno-Tekhnicheskii Vestnik Informatsionnykh Tekhnologii, Mekhaniki i …, 2017 | 18* | 2017 |
Automatic speech emotion recognition of younger school age children Y Matveev, A Matveev, O Frolova, E Lyakso, N Ruban Mathematics 10 (14), 2373, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
Dynamic acoustic unit augmentation with bpe-dropout for low-resource end-to-end speech recognition A Laptev, A Andrusenko, I Podluzhny, A Mitrofanov, I Medennikov, ... Sensors 21 (9), 3063, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Reflection of the emotional state in the characteristics of voice and speech of children with Down syndrome E Lyakso, O Frolova, V Gorodnyi, A Grigorev, A Nikolaev, Y Matveev 2019 International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer …, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Speech features and electroencephalogram parameters in 4-to 11-year-old children E Lyakso, O Frolova, Y Matveev Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 14, 30, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |