Constructing composite indicators with Shannon entropy: The case of Human Development Index R Karagiannis, G Karagiannis Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 70, 100701, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
A system-of-equations two-stage DEA approach for explaining capacity utilization and technical efficiency R Karagiannis Annals of Operations Research 227, 25-43, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
Productivity and quality changes in Greek public hospitals R Karagiannis, K Velentzas Operational research 12, 69-81, 2012 | 45 | 2012 |
Intra-and inter-group composite indicators using the BoD model R Karagiannis, G Karagiannis Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 61, 44-51, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
The effects of liberalisation of professional requirements in Greece E Athanassiou, N Kanellopoulos, R Karagiannis, A Kotsi Centre for Planning and Economic Research, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Factors that determine parents’ satisfaction with the care given to their children in two Greek public hospitals E Xenodoxidou, P Theodorou, R Karagiannis, G Intas, C Platis Health & Research Journal 8 (2), 87-100, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
The Use of Information Entropy and Expert Opinion in Maximizing the Discriminating Power of Composite Indicators MP Libório, R Karagiannis, AMA Diniz, PI Ekel, DAG Vieira, LC Ribeiro Entropy 26 (143), 2024 | 5 | 2024 |
Professional burnout and work satisfaction among the nursing staff in a tertiary public hospital A TSOMAKOU, P THEODOROU, R KARAGIANNIS, P GALANIS ARCHIVES OF HELLENIC MEDICINE 39 (2), 236-244, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Distance-based weighting methods for composite indicators, with applications related to energy sustainability R Karagiannis, G Karagiannis International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Analysis of health expenditure in Greece during the period 2009-2015 R Karagiannis Greek economic outlook, 2017 | 3* | 2017 |
Measurement of the Intensity of Reforms in Professions and Economic Activities in Greece via a Composite Regulation Index E Athanassiou, ΝC Kanellopoulos, R Karagiannis, K I., K A. International Economics and Economic Policy 13, 411-428, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Technical efficiency evaluation of health care systems in OECD countries R Karagiannis Greek Economic Outlook 17 (2.1), 58, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Measuring and Explaining Technical Efficiency of Greek Public Hospitals R Karagiannis, M Hatziprokopiou Empirical Economics Letters 7 (1), 17-23, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |
Structural Reforms in Greece, 2010-2018 E Athanassiou, A Kōtsē, E Nitsi, I Cholezas, R Karagiannis, A Koutroulis, ... Publications Office of the European Union, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Αποτίμηση της Απελευθέρωσης σε Είκοσι Επιλεγμένα Επαγγέλματα Α Κώτση, Ε Αθανασίου, Ν Κανελλόπουλος, Ρ Καραγιάννη, Ι Κατσελίδης | 2 | 2016 |
General Government Spending Review, 2013-2016: An Analysis Framework for Future Spending Reviews in Greece Y Monogios, E Nitsi, J Anastassakou, I Cholezas, N Kanellopoulos, ... | 2 | 2016 |
Technical and scale efficiency of public hospitals in Greece R Karagiannis Greek Economic Outlook 17, 66-70, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
A comparison of alternative parametric efficiency estimates using rank-sum test statistic R Karagiannis, K Velentzas International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 1 (2), 195-209, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Η Χρήση της Γενικευμένης Στοχαστικής εν Δυνάμει Συνάρτησης Παραγωγής για την Μέτρηση του Βαθμού της Τεχνικής Αποτελεσματικότητας Ρ Καραγιάννη, Μ Χατζηπροκοπίου Πρακτικά 17ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Στατιστικής, 225-233, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |
Nonparametric estimates of price efficiency for the Greek infant milk market: Curing the curse of dimensionality with shannon entropy R Karagiannis, G Karagiannis Economic Modelling, 106202, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |