Dr. Rajkumar Ramteke
Dr. Rajkumar Ramteke
Principal Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur (Maharashtra), India.
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Biology, epidemiology and management of the pathogenic fungus Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid with special reference to charcoal rot of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)
GK Gupta, SK Sharma, R Ramteke
Journal of Phytopathology 160 (4), 167-180, 2012
Study on genetic variability and traits interrelationship among released soybean varieties of India [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]
R Ramteke, V Kumar, P Murlidharan, DK Agarwal
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1 (6), 1483-1487, 2010
Characterization of soybean (Glycine max) varieties as per DUS guidelines
R Ramteke, P Murlidharan
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (7), 572-577, 2012
WAASB‐based stability analysis and simultaneous selection for grain yield and early maturity in soybean
V Nataraj, A Bhartiya, CP Singh, HN Devi, MP Deshmukh, P Verghese, ...
Agronomy Journal 113 (4), 3089-3099, 2021
Colletotrichum truncatum [(Schw.) Andrus & WD Moore], the causal agent of anthracnose of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]—A Review
SK Sharma, GK Gupta, R Ramteke
Soybean Res 9, 31-52, 2011
Breeding for higher yield, early maturity, wider adaptability and waterlogging tolerance in soybean (Glycine max L.): A case study
S Maranna, V Nataraj, G Kumawat, S Chandra, V Rajesh, R Ramteke, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 22853, 2021
Tractor-drawn broad bed furrow seed drill machine to overcome moisture stress for soybean (Glycine max) in Vertisols
D Singh, AK Vyas, GK Gupta, R Ramteke, IR Khan
Indian journal of agricultural sciences 81 (10), 941, 2011
Genetic progress of soybean varieties released during 1969 to 2008 in India
R Ramteke, GK Gupta, P Murlidharan, SK Sharma
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 71 (04), 333-340, 2011
Selecting soybean (Glycine max) genotypes for insertion height of the lowest pod, the useful trait for combine harvester
R Ramteke, D Singh, P Murlidharan
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (6), 511, 2012
Molecular diversity analysis of coat protein gene encoded by legume begomoviruses and PCR assay to detect yellow mosaic viruses infecting soybean in India
S Ramesh, B Chouhan, G Gupta, R Ramteke, S Chand, S Husain
British Biotechnology Journal 12 (3), 1-10, 2016
Evaluation of rust resistance in soybean (Glycine max) under field condition
R RAMTEKE, GK Gupta, OP Joshi
Indian journal of agricultural science 74 (11), 623-624, 2004
Growth and yield responses of soybean to climate change
R Ramteke, GK Gupta, DV Singh
Agricultural research 4 (3), 319-323, 2015
Charcoal rot resistance in Soybean: current understanding and future perspectives
V Nataraj, S Kumar, G Kumawat, M Shivakumar, LS Rajput, ...
Disease Resistance in Crop Plants: Molecular, Genetic and Genomic …, 2019
Molecular detection of Begomovirus (family: Geminiviridae) infecting Glycine max (L.) Merr. and associated weed Vigna trilobata
SV Ramesh, BS Chouhan, R Ramteke
J. Crop Weed 13 (2), 64-67, 2017
Soybean varieties of India
DK Agarwal, SM Husain, R Ramteke, VS Bhatia, SK Srivastava
Directorate of Soybean Research, 2010
GGE biplot analysis of vegetable type soybean genotypes under multi-environmental conditions in India
V Nataraj, N Pandey, R Ramteke, P Verghese, R Reddy, T Onkarappa, ...
Journal of Environmental Biology 42 (2), 247-253, 2021
Evaluation of soybean (Glycine max) varieties for stability of yield and its components
R Ramteke, SM Husain
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 78 (7), 625, 2008
Quantification of a legume begomovirus to evaluate soybean genotypes for resistance to yellow mosaic disease
SV Ramesh, M Shivakumar, R Ramteke, VS Bhatia, BS Chouhan, ...
Journal of virological methods 268, 24-31, 2019
Field screening of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill. lines for resistance to yellow mosaic virus
R Ramteke, GK Gupta
J. Oilseeds Res 22, 224-225, 2005
Effect of purple seed stain disease on physical and biochemical traits of soybean
KL Gupta, KL Girish, S Sharma, S Dhyani, K Vineet, R Rajkumar
Soybean Res 12 (1), 77-84, 2014
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