The DLV system for knowledge representation and reasoning N Leone, G Pfeifer, W Faber, T Eiter, G Gottlob, S Perri, F Scarcello ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 7 (3), 499-562, 2006 | 1585 | 2006 |
Hypertree decompositions and tractable queries G Gottlob, N Leone, F Scarcello Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 1999 | 590 | 1999 |
A comparison of structural CSP decomposition methods G Gottlob, N Leone, F Scarcello Artificial Intelligence 124 (2), 243-282, 2000 | 438 | 2000 |
Pure Nash equilibria: Hard and easy games G Gottlob, G Greco, F Scarcello Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and …, 2003 | 285 | 2003 |
The complexity of acyclic conjunctive queries G Gottlob, N Leone, F Scarcello Journal of the ACM (JACM) 48 (3), 431-498, 2001 | 285 | 2001 |
The KR system dlv: Progress report, comparisons and benchmarks T Eiter, N Leone, C Mateis, G Pfeifer, F Scarcello KR 98, 406-417, 1998 | 270 | 1998 |
Disjunctive stable models: Unfounded sets, fixpoint semantics, and computation N Leone, P Rullo, F Scarcello Information and computation 135 (2), 69-112, 1997 | 268 | 1997 |
A deductive system for non-monotonic reasoning T Eiter, N Leone, C Mateis, G Pfeifer, F Scarcello Logic Programming And Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 4th International Conference …, 1997 | 260 | 1997 |
Robbers, marshals, and guards: game theoretic and logical characterizations of hypertree width G Gottlob, N Leone, F Scarcello Proceedings of the twentieth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2001 | 198 | 2001 |
Census data repair: a challenging application of disjunctive logic programming E Franconi1, AL Palma, N Leone, S Perri, F Scarcello Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning: 8th …, 2001 | 128 | 2001 |
Hypertree decompositions: Structure, algorithms, and applications G Gottlob, M Grohe, N Musliu, M Samer, F Scarcello International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 1-15, 2005 | 115 | 2005 |
Fixed-parameter complexity in AI and nonmonotonic reasoning G Gottlob, F Scarcello, M Sideri Artificial Intelligence 138 (1-2), 55-86, 2002 | 110 | 2002 |
Hypertree decompositions: A survey G Gottlob, N Leone, F Scarcello Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001: 26th International …, 2001 | 109 | 2001 |
Hypertree decompositions: Questions and answers G Gottlob, G Greco, N Leone, F Scarcello Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of …, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
A comparison of structural CSP decomposition methods G Gottlob, N Leone, F Scarcello IJCAI 99, 394-399, 1999 | 93 | 1999 |
The dlv system: Model generator and application frontends S Citrigno, T Eiter, W Faber, G Gottlob, C Koch, N Leone, C Mateis, ... Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Logic Programming 128137, 128-137, 1997 | 72 | 1997 |
On tractable queries and constraints G Gottlob, N Leone, F Scarcello Database and Expert Systems Applications: 10th International Conference …, 1999 | 70 | 1999 |
The dlv system: Model generator and advanced frontends (system description) S Citrigno, T Eiter, W Faber, G Gottlob, C Koch, N Leone, C Mateis, ... | 62* | 1997 |
A new distributed application and network layer protocol for voip in mobile ad hoc networks F De Rango, P Fazio, F Scarcello, F Conte IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 13 (10), 2185-2198, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Improving ASP instantiators by join-ordering methods N Leone, S Perri, F Scarcello Logic Programming and Nonmotonic Reasoning: 6th International Conference …, 2001 | 56 | 2001 |