Citizenship in European cities: Immigrants, local politics and integration policies R Penninx, K Kraal, M Martiniello, S Vertovec Ashgate, 2004 | 461* | 2004 |
Immigrant integration: the Dutch case H Vermeulen, R Penninx Het Spinhuis, 2000 | 400 | 2000 |
Integration of migrants: Economic, social, cultural and political dimensions R Penninx The new demographic regime: Population challenges and policy responses 5 …, 2005 | 398 | 2005 |
The multilevel governance of migration and integration P Scholten, R Penninx Integration processes and policies in Europe: Contexts, levels and actors …, 2016 | 392 | 2016 |
Trade unions, immigration, and immigrants in Europe, 1960-1993: A comparative study of the attitudes and actions of trade unions in seven West European countries R Penninx, J Roosblad Berghahn Books 1, 248, 2000 | 392 | 2000 |
The concept of integration as an analytical tool and as a policy concept R Penninx, B Garcés-Mascareñas Integration processes and policies in Europe: Contexts, levels and actors, 11-29, 2016 | 376 | 2016 |
Western Europe and its Islam. J Rath, R Penninx, K Groenendijk, A Meyer Brill, Leiden, International Comparative Studies Series 2, 308, 2001 | 299 | 2001 |
A critical review of theory and practice: the case of Turkey R Penninx International Migration Review 16 (4), 781-818, 1982 | 242 | 1982 |
Integration processes and policies in Europe: Contexts, levels and actors B Garcés-Mascareñas, R Penninx Springer Nature, 2016 | 235 | 2016 |
Newcomers. Immigrants and their Descendants in the Netherlands 1550-1995 J Lucassen, R Penninx AmsterdamHet Spinhuis, 1997 | 217 | 1997 |
Integration. The role of communities, institutions, and the state. R Penninx The Migration Information Source (on-line), 2003 | 180 | 2003 |
Nederland en zijn islam: Een ontzuilende samenleving reageert op het ontstaan van een geloofsgemeenschap J Rath het Spinhuis, 1996 | 164 | 1996 |
Migration and integration in Europe: The state of research R Penninx, D Spencer, N Van Hear Swindon, UK: Economic and Social Research Council, 2008 | 161 | 2008 |
The dynamics of international migration and settlement in Europe: A state of the art K Kraal, R Penninx, M Berger Amsterdam University Press, 2006 | 154 | 2006 |
Integration processes and policies: State of the art and lessons R Penninx, M Martiniello Citizenship in European cities: Immigrants, local politics and integration …, 2004 | 148 | 2004 |
The impact of international migration on receiving countries: the case of the Netherlands R Penninx, JJ Schoorl, CS van Praag Swets & Zeitlinger, 1993 | 141 | 1993 |
Migration policymaking in Europe: The dynamics of actors and contexts in past and present G Zincone, R Penninx, M Borkert Amsterdam University Press, 2011 | 138 | 2011 |
Decentralising integration policies R Penninx Managing migration in cities, regions and localities. London: Policy Network, 2009 | 129 | 2009 |
Problems of and solutions for the study of immigrant integration R Penninx Comparative Migration Studies 7, 1-11, 2019 | 128 | 2019 |
Migration and development: a study of the effects of international labor migration on Boğazlıyan District N Abadan-Unat, R Keles, R Penninx, H Van Renselaar, L Yenisey Ankara: Ajans-Türk Press, 1976 | 123 | 1976 |