Pu-Kun Liu
Design of a W-band gyro-TWT amplifier with a lossy ceramic-loaded circuit
CH Du, TH Chang, PK Liu, YC Huang, PX Jiang, SX Xu, ZH Geng, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 60 (7), 2388-2394, 2013
Millimeter-wave gyrotron traveling-wave tube amplifiers
CH Du, PK Liu
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014
A lossy dielectric-ring loaded waveguide with suppressed periodicity for gyro-TWTs applications
CH Du, PK Liu
IEEE transactions on Electron Devices 56 (10), 2335-2342, 2009
A THz backward-wave oscillator based on a double-grating rectangular waveguide
QL Liu, ZC Wang, PK Liu, CH Du, HQ Li, AY Xu
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 60 (4), 1463-1468, 2013
An evaluation of heat dissipation capability of slow-wave structures
Y Han, YW Liu, YG Ding, PK Liu
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (6), 1562-1565, 2007
High-efficiency terahertz spin-decoupled meta-coupler for spoof surface plasmon excitation and beam steering
LZ Yin, TJ Huang, FY Han, JY Liu, D Wang, PK Liu
Optics Express 27 (13), 18928-18939, 2019
Enhancing spoof surface-plasmons with gradient metasurfaces
LB Kong, CP Huang, CH Du, PK Liu, XG Yin
Scientific Reports 5, 8772, 2015
Thermal analysis of a helix TWT slow-wave structure
Y Han, YW Liu, YG Ding, PK Liu, CH Lu
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 55 (5), 1269-1272, 2008
Review of gyroklystron amplifiers and its development
PK Liu, SX Xu
Journal of Electronics & Information Technology 25 (5), 683-694, 2003
Broadband tunable pre-bunched electron cyclotron maser for terahertz application
CH Du, XB Qi, LB Kong, PK Liu, ZD Li, SX Xu, ZH Geng, L Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 5 (2), 236-243, 2014
Nonlinear full-wave-interaction analysis of a gyrotron-traveling-wave-tube amplifier based on a lossy dielectric-lined circuit
CH Du, PK Liu
Physics of Plasmas 17 (3), 2010
Study of traveling wave tube with folded-waveguide circuit shielded by photonic crystals
Y Gong, H Yin, Y Wei, L Yue, M Deng, Z Lu, X Xu, W Wang, PK Liu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 57 (5), 1137-1145, 2010
Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons by electron beam with graphene ribbon arrays
YQ Liu, PK Liu
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (11), 2017
Experimental demonstration of ultra-wideband and high-efficiency terahertz spoof surface plasmon polaritons coupler
HH Tang, TJ Ma, PK Liu
Applied Physics Letters 108 (19), 2016
Theoretical analysis of a relativistic travelling wave tube filled with plasma
HQ Xie, PK Liu
Chinese Physics 16 (3), 766, 2007
Development of an S-band klystron with bandwidth of more than 11%
W Yong, YG Ding, PK Liu, J Zhang, SG Wang, X Lu
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34 (3), 572-575, 2006
Design of a 1 bit broadband space-time-coding digital metasurface element
D Wang, LZ Yin, TJ Huang, FY Han, ZW Zhang, YH Tan, PK Liu
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 19 (4), 611-615, 2020
Broadband terahertz-power extracting by using electron cyclotron maser
S Pan, CH Du, XB Qi, PK Liu
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 7265, 2017
Effect of a backward wave on the stability of an ultrahigh gain gyrotron traveling-wave amplifier
CH Du, PK Liu, QZ Xue, MH Wang
Physics of Plasmas 15 (12), 2008
Loss-induced modal transition in a dielectric-coated metal cylindrical waveguide for gyro-traveling-wave-tube applications
CH Du, QZ Xue, PK Liu
IEEE Electron Device Letters 29 (11), 1256-1258, 2008
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