Loris Foresti
Loris Foresti
MeteoSwiss, Locarno-Monti
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Machine learning feature selection methods for landslide susceptibility mapping
N Micheletti, L Foresti, S Robert, M Leuenberger, A Pedrazzini, ...
Mathematical Geosciences 46 (1), 33-57, 2014
Pysteps: An open-source Python library for probabilistic precipitation nowcasting (v1. 0)
S Pulkkinen, D Nerini, AA Pérez Hortal, C Velasco-Forero, A Seed, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 12 (10), 4185-4219, 2019
Development and verification of a real-time stochastic precipitation nowcasting system for urban hydrology in Belgium
L Foresti, M Reyniers, A Seed, L Delobbe
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (1), 505-527, 2016
A non-stationary stochastic ensemble generator for radar rainfall fields based on the short-space Fourier transform
D Nerini, N Besic, I Sideris, U Germann, L Foresti
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (6), 2777-2797, 2017
Using a 10-year radar archive for nowcasting precipitation growth and decay: A probabilistic machine learning approach
L Foresti, IV Sideris, D Nerini, L Beusch, U Germann
Weather and Forecasting 34 (5), 1547-1569, 2019
Learning wind fields with multiple kernels
L Foresti, D Tuia, M Kanevski, A Pozdnoukhov
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 25, 51-66, 2011
Spatial prediction of monthly wind speeds in complex terrain with adaptive general regression neural networks.
S Robert, L Foresti, M Kanevski
International Journal of Climatology 33 (7), 2013
Retrieval of analogue radar images for ensemble nowcasting of orographic rainfall
L Foresti, L Panziera, PV Mandapaka, U Germann, A Seed
Meteorological Applications 22 (2), 141-155, 2015
Estimating the occurrence and severity of hail based on 10 years of observations from weather radar in B elgium
M Lukach, L Foresti, O Giot, L Delobbe
Meteorological Applications 24 (2), 250-259, 2017
A reduced-space ensemble Kalman filter approach for flow-dependent integration of radar extrapolation nowcasts and NWP precipitation ensembles
D Nerini, L Foresti, D Leuenberger, S Robert, U Germann
Monthly Weather Review 147 (3), 987-1006, 2019
Satellite-based rainfall retrieval: From generalized linear models to artificial neural networks
L Beusch, L Foresti, M Gabella, U Hamann
Remote Sensing 10 (6), 939, 2018
Exploration of alpine orographic precipitation patterns with radar image processing and clustering techniques
L Foresti, A Pozdnoukhov
Meteorological Applications 19 (4), 407-419, 2012
Landslide susceptibility mapping using adaptive support vector machines and feature selection
N Micheletti, L Foresti, M Kanevski, A Pedrazzini, M Jaboyedoff
Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU 13, 2011
A 10‐year radar‐based analysis of orographic precipitation growth and decay patterns over the Swiss Alpine region
L Foresti, IV Sideris, L Panziera, D Nerini, U Germann
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 144 (716), 2277-2301, 2018
NowPrecip: Localized precipitation nowcasting in the complex terrain of Switzerland
IV Sideris, L Foresti, D Nerini, U Germann
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146 (729), 1768-1800, 2020
Exploring the potential of multivariate depth‐damage and rainfall‐damage models
L Van Ootegem, K Van Herck, T Creten, E Verhofstadt, L Foresti, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management 11, S916-S929, 2018
Data-driven topo-climatic mapping with machine learning methods
A Pozdnoukhov, L Foresti, M Kanevski
Natural hazards 50, 497-518, 2009
The effect of flow and orography on the spatial distribution of the very short-term predictability of rainfall from composite radar images
L Foresti, A Seed
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (11), 4671-4686, 2014
On the spatial distribution of rainfall nowcasting errors due to orographic forcing
L Foresti, A Seed
Meteorological Applications 22 (1), 60-74, 2015
Extreme precipitation modelling using geostatistics and machine learning algorithms
L Foresti, A Pozdnoukhov, D Tuia, M Kanevski
geoENV VII–Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, 41-52, 2010
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