Scalar-tensor theory and scalar charge KA Bronnikov Acta. Phys. Pol, B4, 1973 | 761 | 1973 |
Regular magnetic black holes and monopoles from nonlinear electrodynamics KA Bronnikov Physical Review D 63 (4), 044005, 2001 | 701 | 2001 |
Regular phantom black holes KA Bronnikov, JC Fabris Physical Review Letters 96 (25), 251101, 2006 | 411 | 2006 |
Possible wormholes in a brane world KA Bronnikov, SW Kim Physical Review D 67 (6), 064027, 2003 | 281 | 2003 |
An exact solution of the system of Einstein equations and mass-free scalar field NM Bocharova, KA Bronnikov, VN Melnikov Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Fiz. Astro 6, 706, 1970 | 271 | 1970 |
Instabilities of wormholes and regular black holes supported by a phantom scalar field KA Bronnikov, RA Konoplya, A Zhidenko Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (2), 024028, 2012 | 186 | 2012 |
Regular black holes and black universes KA Bronnikov, H Dehnen, VN Melnikov General Relativity and Gravitation 39, 973-987, 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Black holes, cosmology and extra dimensions KA Bronnikov, SG Rubin | 167 | 2013 |
Instability of black holes with scalar charge KA Bronnikov, YN Kireyev Physics Letters A 67 (2), 95-96, 1978 | 163 | 1978 |
Comment on “Regular black hole in general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics” KA Bronnikov Physical review letters 85 (21), 4641, 2000 | 162 | 2000 |
General class of brane-world black holes KA Bronnikov, VN Melnikov, H Dehnen Physical Review D 68 (2), 024025, 2003 | 132 | 2003 |
Notes on wormhole existence in scalar-tensor and F(R) gravity KA Bronnikov, MV Skvortsova, AA Starobinsky Gravitation and Cosmology 16, 216-222, 2010 | 123 | 2010 |
Example of a stable wormhole in general relativity KA Bronnikov, LN Lipatova, ID Novikov, AA Shatskiy Gravitation and Cosmology 19 (4), 269-274, 2013 | 115 | 2013 |
Spherically symmetric scalar vacuum: no-go theorems, black holes and solitons KA Bronnikov, GN Shikin arXiv preprint gr-qc/0109027, 2001 | 114 | 2001 |
Scalar, electromagnetic, and gravitational fields interaction: Particlelike solutions KA Bronnikov, VN Melnikov, GN Shikin, KP Staniukovich Annals of physics 118 (1), 84-107, 1979 | 110 | 1979 |
Wormholes without exotic matter in Einstein–Cartan theory KA Bronnikov, AM Galiakhmetov Gravitation and Cosmology 21 (4), 283-288, 2015 | 109 | 2015 |
Cylindrical wormholes KA Bronnikov, JPS Lemos Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (10), 104019, 2009 | 109 | 2009 |
No realistic wormholes from ghost-free scalar-tensor phantom dark energy KA Bronnikov, AA Starobinsky JETP letters 85, 1-5, 2007 | 108 | 2007 |
Spherically symmetric false vacuum: no-go theorems and global structure KA Bronnikov Physical Review D 64 (6), 064013, 2001 | 108 | 2001 |
Magnetic black universes and wormholes with a phantom scalar SV Bolokhov, KA Bronnikov, MV Skvortsova Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (24), 245006, 2012 | 104 | 2012 |