Marie-Aude Boislard
Marie-Aude Boislard
Department of Sexology, Université du Québec à Montréal
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Sexuality (and lack thereof) in adolescence and early adulthood: A review of the literature
MA Boislard, D Van de Bongardt, M Blais
Behavioral sciences 6 (1), 8, 2016
Individual, familial, friends-related and contextual predictors of early sexual intercourse
F Poulin
Journal of adolescence 34 (2), 289-300, 2011
A prospective study of young females’ sexual subjectivity: Associations with age, sexual behavior, and dating
MJ Zimmer-Gembeck, WH Ducat, MA Boislard-Pepin
Archives of sexual behavior 40, 927-938, 2011
A longitudinal examination of risky sexual behaviors among Canadian and Italian adolescents: Considering individual, parental, and friend characteristics
F Poulin, J Kiesner, TJ Dishion
International Journal of Behavioral Development 33 (3), 265, 2009
Identity, intimacy, status and sex dating goals as correlates of goal-consistent behavior and satisfaction in Australian youth
M Kelly, MJ Zimmer-Gembeck, MA Boislard-P
Journal of Adolescence 35 (6), 1441-1454, 2012
Sexual subjectivity, relationship status and quality, and same-sex sexual experience among emerging adult females
MAP Boislard, MJ Zimmer-Gembeck
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 1 (1), 54, 2011
Intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and reproductive health among university women
S Lévesque, C Rodrigue, D Beaulieu-Prévost, M Blais, MA Boislard, ...
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 25 (1), 9-20, 2016
Trajectories of annual number of sexual partners from adolescence to emerging adulthood: Individual and family predictors
E Rossi, F Poulin, MA Boislard
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 46, 995-1008, 2017
Health outcomes of sexual-minority youth in Canada: An overview
M Blais, FA Bergeron, J Duford, MA Boislard, M Hébert
Adolescencia & saude 12 (3), 53, 2015
A longitudinal study of sexual entitlement and self-efficacy among young women and men: Gender differences and associations with age and sexual experience
G Hewitt-Stubbs, MJ Zimmer-Gembeck, S Mastro, MA Boislard
Behavioral Sciences 6 (1), 4, 2016
“You’re a virgin? Really!?”: A qualitative study of emerging adult female virgins’ experiences of disclosure
MA Fuller, MA Boislard, M Fernet
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 28 (2), 190-202, 2019
Observed normativity and deviance in friendship dyads’ conversations about sex and the relations with youths’ perceived sexual peer norms
D Van De Bongardt, E Reitz, G Overbeek, MA Boislard, B Burk, M Deković
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1793-1806, 2017
Early sexual onset and alcohol use and misuse from adolescence into young adulthood
I Boisvert, MA Boislard, F Poulin
Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (4), 514-520, 2017
Insecure attachment and sexual satisfaction: A path analysis model integrating sexual mindfulness, sexual anxiety, and sexual self-esteem
D Lafortune, M Girard, R Bolduc, MA Boislard, N Godbout
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 48 (6), 535-551, 2022
Internalizing and externalizing behaviors as predictors of sexual onset in early adolescence
MAP Boislard, F Dussault, M Brendgen, F Vitaro
The Journal of Early Adolescence 33 (7), 920-945, 2013
Why do socially withdrawn children tend to become heterosexually active later than their peers? A mediation model
A Lucas, MA Boislard, F Poulin
The Journal of Sex Research 57 (9), 1146-1155, 2020
La sexualité
MA Boislard
La psychologie de l’adolescence, 129-154, 2014
Limites des données autorapportées sur les comportements sexuels des adolescents
MAP Boislard, F Poulin
Sexologies 24 (1), 25-28, 2015
Validation of a brief French version of the sexual anxiety scale
D Lafortune, C Canivet, MA Boislard, N Godbout
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 30 (1), 94-105, 2021
Validation of a virtual environment for sexual aversion
D Lafortune, VA Lapointe, C Canivet, N Godbout, MA Boislard
Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy 32 (2), 85-98, 2022
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