Professor Sir Alimuddin Zumla
The continuing 2019-nCoV epidemic threat of novel coronaviruses to global health - The latest 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China
PE Hui DS, I Azhar E, Madani TA, Ntoumi F, Kock R, Dar O, Ippolito G, Mchugh ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 91 (10.1016/j.ijid.2020.01.009 …, 2020
Real-time RT-PCR normalisation; strategies and considerations
J Huggett, K Dheda, S Bustin, A Zumla
Genes & Immunity 6 (4), 279-284, 2005
Manson's Tropical Diseases
G Cook, A Zumla
Harcourt Brace Saunders Publishing Group, London 21, 1,0847, 2003
Coronaviruses—drug discovery and therapeutic options
A Zumla, JFW Chan, EI Azhar, DSC Hui, KY Yuen
Nature reviews Drug discovery 15 (5), 327-347, 2016
Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia: a descriptive study
A Assiri, JA Al-Tawfiq, AA Al-Rabeeah, FA Al-Rabiah, S Al-Hajjar, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 13 (9), 752-761, 2013
Hospital outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
A Assiri, A McGeer, TM Perl, CS Price, AA Al Rabeeah, DAT Cummings, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 369 (5), 407-416, 2013
Middle East respiratory syndrome
A Zumla, DS Hui, S Perlman
The Lancet 386 (9997), 995-1007, 2015
Validation of housekeeping genes for normalizing RNA expression in real-time PCR
K Dheda, JF Huggett, SA Bustin, MA Johnson, G Rook, A Zumla
Biotechniques 37 (1), 112-119, 2004
Advances in the development of new tuberculosis drugs and treatment regimens
A Zumla, P Nahid, ST Cole
Nature reviews Drug discovery 12 (5), 388-404, 2013
Best drug treatment for multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
JA Caminero, G Sotgiu, A Zumla, GB Migliori
The Lancet infectious diseases 10 (9), 621-629, 2010
The implications of using an inappropriate reference gene for real-time reverse transcription PCR data normalization
K Dheda, JF Huggett, JS Chang, LU Kim, SA Bustin, MA Johnson, ...
Analytical biochemistry 344 (1), 141-143, 2005
Severe acute respiratory syndrome: historical, epidemiologic, and clinical features
DSC Hui, A Zumla
Infectious Disease Clinics 33 (4), 869-889, 2019
Four-month moxifloxacin-based regimens for drug-sensitive tuberculosis
NAJ Gillespie SH, Crook AM, McHugh TD, Mendel CM, Meredith SK, Murray SR ...
N Engl J Med 17 (371), 1577-1587, 2014
Family cluster of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections
ZA Memish, AI Zumla, RF Al-Hakeem, AA Al-Rabeeah, GM Stephens
New England Journal of Medicine 368 (26), 2487-2494, 2013
Biomarkers and diagnostics for tuberculosis: progress, needs, and translation into practice
RS Wallis, M Pai, D Menzies, TM Doherty, G Walzl, MD Perkins, A Zumla
The lancet 375 (9729), 1920-1937, 2010
Immunological biomarkers of tuberculosis
G Walzl, K Ronacher, W Hanekom, TJ Scriba, A Zumla
Nature Reviews Immunology 11 (5), 343-354, 2011
Advances in tuberculosis diagnostics: the Xpert MTB/RIF assay and future prospects for a point-of-care test
SD Lawn, P Mwaba, M Bates, A Piatek, H Alexander, BJ Marais, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 13 (4), 349-361, 2013
Global Tuberculosis Report 2020–Reflections on the Global TB burden, treatment and prevention efforts
J Chakaya, M Khan, F Ntoumi, E Aklillu, R Fatima, P Mwaba, N Kapata, ...
International journal of infectious diseases 113, S7-S12, 2021
Honey-a remedy rediscovered
A Zumla, A Lulat
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 82 (7), 384-385, 1989
Reducing mortality from 2019-nCoV: host-directed therapies should be an option
MM Alimuddin Zumla, David S Hui, Esam I Azhar, Ziad A Memish
Lancet 395 (10224), E35-E36, 2020
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