Rune Karlsen
Rune Karlsen
Professor, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
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Echo chamber and trench warfare dynamics in online debates
R Karlsen, K Steen-Johnsen, D Wollebæk, B Enjolras
European journal of communication 32 (3), 257-273, 2017
Styles of social media campaigning and influence in a hybrid political communication system: Linking candidate survey data with Twitter data
R Karlsen, B Enjolras
The International Journal of Press/Politics 21 (3), 338-357, 2016
Liker-Liker ikke: Samfunnsengasjement i en Facebook-tid
B Enjolras, R Karlsen, K Steen-Johnsen, D Wollebæk
Oslo: CappelenDam, 2013
Followers are opinion leaders: The role of people in the flow of political communication on and beyond social networking sites
R Karlsen
European journal of communication 30 (3), 301-318, 2015
Anger, fear, and echo chambers: The emotional basis for online behavior
D Wollebæk, R Karlsen, K Steen-Johnsen, B Enjolras
Social Media+ Society 5 (2), 2056305119829859, 2019
A platform for individualized campaigning? Social media and parliamentary candidates in the 2009 Norwegian election campaign
R Karlsen
Policy & internet 3 (4), 1-25, 2011
Candidate campaigning in parliamentary systems: Individualized vs. localized campaigning
R Karlsen, E Skogerbø
Party Politics 21 (3), 428-439, 2015
Do high-choice media environments facilitate news avoidance? A longitudinal study 1997–2016
R Karlsen, A Beyer, K Steen-Johnsen
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 64 (5), 794-814, 2020
Political appointees in executive government: Exploring and explaining roles using a large‐N survey in Norway
J Askim, R Karlsen, K Kolltveit
Public Administration 95 (2), 342-358, 2017
Social media and trust in news: An experimental study of the effect of Facebook on news story credibility
R Karlsen, T Aalberg
Digital Journalism 11 (1), 144-160, 2023
Fear of the political consultant: Campaign professionals and new technology in Norwegian electoral politics
R Karlsen
Party Politics 16 (2), 193-214, 2010
After the mass party: Continuity and change in political parties and representation in Norway
EH Allern, K Heidar, R Karlsen
Lexington Books, 2015
Campaign communication and the internet: Party strategy in the 2005 Norwegian election campaign
R Karlsen
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 19 (2), 183-202, 2009
Obama's online success and European party organizations: Adoption and adaptation of US online practices in the Norwegian Labor Party
R Karlsen
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 10 (2), 158-170, 2013
Party bureaucrats, independent professionals, or politicians? A study of party employees
R Karlsen, J Saglie
West European Politics 40 (6), 1331-1351, 2017
Online and undecided: Voters and the Internet in the contemporary Norwegian election campaign
R Karlsen
Scandinavian Political Studies 33 (1), 28-50, 2010
Does new media technology drive election campaign change?
R Karlsen
Information Polity 15 (3), 215-225, 2010
Organisering av valgkampen-«tradisjonell eller moderne»
R Karlsen, HM Narud
I valgkampens hete. Strategisk kommunikasjon og politisk usikkerhet, 112-137, 2004
Serving the media ministers: A mixed methods study on the personalization of ministerial communication
TU Figenschou, R Karlsen, K Kolltveit, K Thorbjørnsrud
The International Journal of Press/Politics 22 (4), 411-430, 2017
Still broadcasting the campaign: On the Internet and the fragmentation of political communication with evidence from Norwegian electoral politics
R Karlsen
Journal of information technology & politics 8 (2), 146-162, 2011
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