Leonardo Lubis
Leonardo Lubis
在 unpad.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
COVID-19 and kidney diseases in Indonesia
M Rusdiansyah
Pengaruh Zat Besi dan Seng terhadap Perkembangan Balita serta Implementasinya
DM Purnamasari, L Lubis, DA Gurnida
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan 2 (4), 497-504, 2020
Java Barb Fish Gallbladder–Induced Acute Kidney Injury and Ischemic Acute Hepatic Failure
M Rudiansyah, L Lubis, R Bandiara, R Supriyadi, RS Gondodiputro, ...
Kidney International Reports 5 (5), 751-753, 2020
Differences in salivary hormones and perception of exertion in elite women and men volleyball players during tournament
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2017
Senam jantung sehat seri-I tiga kali seminggu meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani lansia
N Fitria, L Lidyana, S Iskandar, L Lubis, A Purba
The Correlation between Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (FGF23) and Iron Profile in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Dialysis with Anemia.
M Rudiansyah, L Lubis, R Bandiara, BM Sanjaya, HW Nur'amin, ...
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (6), 2020
Korelasi kadar hemoglobin dengan saturasi oksigen pada guru besar Universitas Padjadjaran
D Suherlim, L Lubis, H Permana
Bali Anatomy Journal 1 (2), 26-29, 2018
Karakteristik anak epilepsi di Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri (SLBN) Cileunyi Bandung tahun 2018
GTD Nasution, SA Sobana, L Lubis
Bali Anatomy Journal 3 (1), 1-10, 2020
The severe varicella zoster infection with kidney transplant patient using immunosuppressant
M Rudiansyah, R Bandiara, R Supriyadi, L Lubis, ER Kurniaatmaja, ...
Int J Pharm Res 13 (1), 852-7, 2021
Effect of the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyces drink on the physiological parameters of healthy adult subjects
A Diantini, S Rahmat, A Alpiani, SA Sumiwi, L Lubis, J Levita
Biomedical Reports 15 (5), 1-6, 2021
Spatial Ability Differences in Athletes and Non-Athletes
J Cynthia, L Lubis, V Vitriana
Althea Medical Journal 3 (4), 533-537, 2016
A preliminary study of the effect of PPAR-γ agonist from Myristica fragrans houtt seed extract on the biogenesis of rat infant’ s brain mitochondria and D1 dopamine receptor
F Veronica, L Lubis, S Arifin, LL Fitri, A Rizal, P Ambrosius, H Gunawan, ...
Bali Medical Journal 7 (3), 2018
Concentration level differences between athletes of body contact and non-body contact sports
N Tache, L Lubis, L Saputra
Althea Medical Journal 4 (3), 396-401, 2017
Differentiation of body fat composition between skinfold caliper and bioelectrical impedance analysis methods among professors
L Lubis, NNZ Yiin, DE Luftimas
Bali Anatomy Journal 1 (1), 12-16, 2018
Correlation between haemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation (SpO2) in elderly professors
DA Suherlim, H Permana, L Lubis
J. thee Med. Sci.(Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) 50 (2), 157-162, 2018
Perbedaan Daya Tahan Jantung Paru Dan Komposisi Tubuh; Persentase Lemak Tubuh Antara Lanjut Usia Anggota Senam Tai Chi, Wai Tan Kung Dan Sedenter
NV Utami, L Lubis, A Agustina
Jurnal Ilmu Faal Olahraga Indonesia 1 (1), 14-20, 2021
Characteristics of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia at West Java’s Top Referral Hospital, Indonesia.
N Yahya, T Yuniati, L Lubis
Althea Medical Journal 4 (2), 167-172, 2017
Pengaruh senam jantung sehat seri-i terhadap daya tahan jantung-paru, kekuatan otot dan kadar TNF-α plasma pada lanjut usia
A Fitria, L Lubis, A Purba
Jurnal Ilmu Faal Olahraga Indonesia 2 (2), 34-39, 2021
Sleep Quality Profile of Mining Workers Based on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
L Lubis, T Kusumawiyanti, GTD Nasution, F Dwirahmadi
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia 18 (4), 140-146, 2022
Pengaruh protokol hidrasi dan status hidrasi terhadap kekuatan otot tungkai bawah, atensi, dan passing atlet futsal remaja
L Lubis, N Salsabila, S Wiramihardja
Jurnal Keolahragaan 9 (1), 1-8, 2021
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