Daniel W. Hill, Jr.
Daniel W. Hill, Jr.
Associate Professor of International Affairs, University of Georgia
在 uga.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
An empirical evaluation of explanations for state repression
DW Hill, ZM Jones
American Political Science Review 108 (3), 661-687, 2014
Estimating the effects of human rights treaties on state behavior
DW Hill Jr
The Journal of Politics 72 (4), 1161-1174, 2010
Information Politics Versus Organizational Incentives: When Are Amnesty International’s ‘‘Naming and Shaming’’Reports Biased?
DW Hill Jr, WH Moore, B Mukherjee
International Studies Quarterly 1, 14, 2012
Modeling two types of peace: The zero-inflated ordered probit (ZiOP) model in conflict research
BE Bagozzi, DW Hill Jr, WH Moore, B Mukherjee
Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (4), 728-752, 2015
Torture and the limits of democratic institutions
CR Conrad, DW Hill Jr, WH Moore
Journal of Peace Research 55 (1), 3-17, 2018
Avoiding obligation: reservations to human rights treaties
DW Hill Jr
Journal of Conflict Resolution 60 (6), 1129-1158, 2016
Democracy and the concept of personal integrity rights
DW Hill Jr
The Journal of politics 78 (3), 822-835, 2016
How much terror? Dissidents, governments, institutions, and the cross-national study of terror attacks
R Bakker, DW Hill Jr, WH Moore
Journal of Peace Research 53 (5), 711-726, 2016
The study of gender and women in cross-national political science research: Rethinking concepts and measurement
S Karim, D Hill
Working Paper presented at the annual convention of the International …, 2018
Democracy and compliance with human rights treaties: The conditional effectiveness of the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
DW Hill Jr, KA Watson
International Studies Quarterly 63 (1), 127-138, 2019
Democracy and police violence
JL Jackson, SL Hall, DW Hill Jr
Research & Politics 5 (1), 2053168018759126, 2018
Examining repressive and oppressive state violence using the Ill-Treatment and Torture data
A Beger, D Hill Jr
Conflict Management and Peace Science 36 (6), 626-644, 2019
Splitting it up: The spduration split-population duration regression package for time-varying covariates
A Beger, DW Hill, NW Metternich, S Minhas, MD Ward
The R Journal 9 (2), 474-486, 2017
Using practitioner surveys to measure human rights: The Human Rights Measurement Initiative’s civil and political rights metrics
KC Clay, R Bakker, AM Brook, DW Hill Jr, A Murdie
Journal of peace research 57 (6), 715-727, 2020
The Concept of Personal Integrity Rights in Empirical Research
DW Hill Jr
IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series on Political …, 2013
Why governments cede sovereignty: Evidence from regional human rights courts
DW Hill Jr
Foreign policy analysis 14 (3), 299-325, 2018
Strategic Incentives and Modeling Bias in Ordinal Data: The Zero-inflated Ordered Probit (ZiOP) Model in Political Science
DW Hill Jr, BE Bagozzi, WH Moore, B Mukherjee
New Faces in Political Methodology meeting, Penn State. URL: http://qssi …, 2011
Political institutions, plausible deniability, and the decision to hide torture
C Conrad, DW Hill, WH Moore
Plausible Deniability, and the Decision to Hide Torture (July 9, 2014), 2014
Practical Observations on the Use of Oxygen, Or Vital Air, in the Cure of Diseases: To which are Added, a Few Experiments on the Vegetation of Plants
D Hill
Rivington, 1820
The right to personal integrity in international and domestic law
DW Hill Jr
The Florida State University, 2012
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