Jonas Wietek
Jonas Wietek
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Conversion of Channelrhodopsin into a Light-Gated Chloride Channel
PH Jonas Wietek*, J. Simon Wiegert*, Nona Adeishvili, Franziska Schneider ...
Science, 2014
Structural foundations of optogenetics: Determinants of channelrhodopsin ion selectivity
A Berndt, SY Lee, J Wietek, C Ramakrishnan, EE Steinberg, AJ Rashid, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201523341, 2015
Color-tuned channelrhodopsins for multiwavelength optogenetics
M Prigge, F Schneider, SP Tsunoda, C Shilyansky, J Wietek, K Deisseroth, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (38), 31804-31812, 2012
An improved chloride-conducting channelrhodopsin for light-induced inhibition of neuronal activity in vivo
J Wietek, R Beltramo, M Scanziani, P Hegemann, TG Oertner, JS Wiegert
Scientific reports 5 (1), 14807, 2015
Efficient optogenetic silencing of neurotransmitter release with a mosquito rhodopsin
M Mahn, I Saraf-Sinik, P Patil, M Pulin, E Bitton, N Karalis, F Bruentgens, ...
Neuron 109 (10), 1621-1635. e8, 2021
Unifying photocycle model for light adaptation and temporal evolution of cation conductance in channelrhodopsin-2
J Kuhne, J Vierock, SA Tennigkeit, MA Dreier, J Wietek, D Petersen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (19), 9380-9389, 2019
Identification of a Natural Green Light Absorbing Chloride Conducting Channelrhodopsin from Proteomonas sulcata
J Wietek, M Broser, BS Krause, P Hegemann
Journal of Biological Chemistry, jbc. M115. 699637, 2016
Anion-conducting channelrhodopsins with tuned spectra and modified kinetics engineered for optogenetic manipulation of behavior
J Wietek, S Rodriguez-Rozada, J Tutas, F Tenedini, C Grimm, TG Oertner, ...
Sci. Rep 7 (14957), 1-18, 2017
MerMAIDs: a family of metagenomically discovered marine anion-conducting and intensely desensitizing channelrhodopsins
J Oppermann, P Fischer, A Silapetere, B Liepe, S Rodriguez-Rozada, ...
Nature Communications 10 (3315), 1-13, 2019
Enhancing channelrhodopsins: an overview
J Wietek, M Prigge
Optogenetics: Methods and Protocols, 141-165, 2016
Lateral gene transfer of anion-conducting channelrhodopsins between green algae and giant viruses
A Rozenberg, J Oppermann, J Wietek, RGF Lahore, RA Sandaa, ...
Current Biology 30 (24), 4910-4920. e5, 2020
Optogenetics at the presynapse
BR Rost, J Wietek, O Yizhar, D Schmitz
Nature Neuroscience 25 (8), 984-998, 2022
Gloeobacter rhodopsin, limitation of proton pumping at high electrochemical load
A Vogt, J Wietek, P Hegemann
Biophysical journal 105 (9), 2055-2063, 2013
Upgrading a microplate reader for photobiology and all-optical experiments
F Richter, US Scheib, J Mehlhorn, R Schubert, J Wietek, O Gernetzki, ...
Photochemical & photobiological sciences 14 (2), 270-279, 2015
Membrane bound α-synuclein is fully embedded in the lipid bilayer while segments with higher flexibility remain
J Wietek, I Haralampiev, A Amoussouvi, A Herrmann, M Stöckl
FEBS letters 587 (16), 2572-2577, 2013
Rhodopsin-bestrophin fusion proteins from unicellular algae form gigantic pentameric ion channels
A Rozenberg, I Kaczmarczyk, D Matzov, J Vierock, T Nagata, M Sugiura, ...
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29 (6), 592-603, 2022
Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings for electrophysiological determination of ion selectivity in channelrhodopsins
C Grimm, J Vierock, P Hegemann, J Wietek
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e55497, 2017
Aion is a bistable anion-conducting channelrhodopsin that provides temporally extended and reversible neuronal silencing
S Rodriguez-Rozada, J Wietek, F Tenedini, K Sauter, N Dhiman, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 1-15, 2022
A bistable inhibitory OptoGPCR for multiplexed optogenetic control of neural circuits
J Wietek, A Nozownik, M Pulin, I Saraf-Sinik, N Matosevich, ...
Nature Methods, 1-13, 2024
Anion Conducting Channelrhodopsins
J Wietek
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018
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