Emília Carvalho Coutinho Referral from librarian
Emília Carvalho Coutinho Referral from librarian
在 essv.ipv.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
Gravidez e parto: O que muda no estilo de vida das mulheres que se tornam mães?
EC Coutinho, CB Silva, CMB Chaves, PAB Nelas, VBC Parreira, ...
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP 48, 17-24, 2014
Risk factors associated with urinary incontinence in Portugal and the quality of life of affected women
MOP Amaral, EC Coutinho, PAAB Nelas, CMB Chaves, JC Duarte
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 131 (1), 82-86, 2015
Domestic violence in pregnancy: prevalence and characteristics of the pregnant woman
FSJ Almeida, EC Coutinho, JC Duarte, CMB Chaves, PAB Nelas, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 26 (15-16), 2417-2425, 2017
O cuidado humano transicional como foco da enfermagem: Contributos das competências especializadas e linguagem classificada CIPE®
E Santos, L Marcelino, L Abrantes, C Marques, R Correia, E Coutinho, ...
Millenium-Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 153-171, 2016
Benefits for the father from their involvement in the labour and birth sequence
EC Coutinho, JGVC Antunes, JC Duarte, VC Parreira, CMB Chaves, ...
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 217, 435-442, 2016
Sleep-wake patterns and their influence on school performance in Portuguese adolescents
J Duarte, P Nelas, C Chaves, M Ferreira, E Coutinho, M Cunha
Atención Primaria 46, 160-164, 2014
Pregnancy and childbirth: What changes in the lifestyle of women who become mothers?
EC Coutinho, CB Silva, CMB Chaves, PAB Nelas, VBC Parreira, ...
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP 48, 17-24, 2014
Factors related to domestic violence in pregnant women
E Coutinho, F Almeida, J Duarte, C Chaves, P Nelas, O Amaral
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 171, 1280-1287, 2015
Qualidade de vida em mulheres com Incontinência Urinária
S Fernandes, EC Coutinho, JC Duarte, PAB Nelas, CMCB Chaves, ...
Revista de Enfermagem Referência 4 (5), 93-99, 2015
Maternal affection and motivation for breastfeeding
E Pinto, C Chaves, J Duarte, P Nelas, E Coutinho
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 217, 1028-1035, 2016
Treatment adherence in hypertensive patients–A cross-sectional study
O Amaral, C Chaves, J Duarte, E Coutinho, P Nelas, O Preto
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 171, 1288-1295, 2015
A experiência de ser cuidada na sala de partos
E Coutinho
Millenium, 29-37, 2004
Quality of life and chronic disease in patients receiving primary health care
O Preto, O Amaral, J Duarte, C Chaves, E Coutinho, P Nelas
European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences 13, 217-226, 2016
Assessment of family functionality among the elderly with chronic illness
CB Chaves, OP Amaral, PA Nelas, EC Coutinho, RM Dionisio
The European Journal of Counselling Psychology 2 (2), 139-144, 2013
Outra forma de olhar a mãe imigrante numa situação de transição
E Coutinho, MV Parreira
Millenium, 83-97, 2011
Dificultades na amamentação no primeiro mês de vida: impacto dos contextos de vida
PA Nelas, E Coutinho, C Chaves, O Amaral, CM Cruz
Asociación INFAD, 2017
Experiences of motherhood: unmet expectations of immigrant and native mothers, about the Portuguese health system
E Coutinho, A Rocha, C Pereira, A Silva, J Duarte, V Parreira
Atención primaria 46, 140-144, 2014
A competência cultural em enfermagem e a Mediação Intercultural preventiva Cultural competence in nursing and the preventive intercultural mediation
EC Coutinho, EC Rodrigues, AC Carvalho, VC Parreira
Revista Migrações# 15: NÚMERO TEMÁTICO MEDIAÇÃO INTERCULTURAL 15, 201866, 2018
Vulnerability to stress and quality of life of women with urinary incontinence
P Nelas, J Duarte, A Dias, C Chaves, E Coutinho, O Amaral
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 217, 1118-1123, 2016
Fatores associados ao baixo peso ao nascer
E Coutinho, L Araújo, C Pereira, J Duarte, P Nelas, C Chaves
Revista INFAD de Psicología. International Journal of Developmental and …, 2016
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