Robert Fares
Robert Fares
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
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The impacts of storing solar energy in the home to reduce reliance on the utility
RL Fares, ME Webber
Nature Energy 2 (2), 1-10, 2017
Experimental and data collection methods for a large-scale smart grid deployment: Methods and first results
JD Rhodes, CR Upshaw, CB Harris, CM Meehan, DA Walling, PA Navrátil, ...
Energy 65, 462-471, 2014
Grid-interactive efficient buildings technical report series: Overview of research challenges and gaps
M Neukomm, V Nubbe, R Fares
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2019
A dynamic model-based estimate of the value of a vanadium redox flow battery for frequency regulation in Texas
RL Fares, JP Meyers, ME Webber
Applied Energy 113, 189-198, 2014
Plug-In Vehicle to Home (V2H) duration and power output capability
DP Tuttle, RL Fares, R Baldick, ME Webber
2013 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-7, 2013
Renewable energy intermittency explained: Challenges, solutions, and opportunities
R Fares
Scientific American, 2015
A flexible model for economic operational management of grid battery energy storage
RL Fares, ME Webber
Energy 78, 768-776, 2014
What are the tradeoffs between battery energy storage cycle life and calendar life in the energy arbitrage application?
RL Fares, ME Webber
Journal of Energy Storage 16, 37-45, 2018
Grid-interactive efficient buildings
M Neukomm, V Nubbe, R Fares
US Dept. of Energy (USDOE), Washington DC (United States); Navigant …, 2019
Trends in transmission, distribution, and administration costs for US investor-owned electric utilities
RL Fares, CW King
Energy Policy 105, 354-362, 2017
Combining a dynamic battery model with high-resolution smart grid data to assess microgrid islanding lifetime
RL Fares, ME Webber
Applied Energy 137, 482-489, 2015
Innovations in sensors and controls for building energy management: Research and development opportunities report for emerging technologies
M Sofos, JT Langevin, M Deru, E Gupta, KS Benne, D Blum, T Bohn, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
Wind energy is one of the cheapest sources of electricity, and it’s getting cheaper
R Fares
Scientific American 28, 2017
Shape optimization of an axisymmetric diffuser and a 3D hydro-turbine draft tube using a genetic algorithm
R Fares, X Chen, R Agarwal
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2011
Economic operational planning of grid-connected battery energy storage
RL Fares, JP Meyers
ECS Transactions 45 (26), 1, 2013
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings, US Dept. of Energy (USDOE), Washington DC (United States); Navigant Consulting
M Neukomm, V Nubbe, R Fares
Inc., Chicago, IL (United States), 2019
3 Reasons Hawaii Put the Brakes on Solar-and Why the Same Won't Happen in Your State
R Fares
Scientific American 15, 2015
Dynamic modeling of community energy storage for lifetime estimation during islanding
RL Fares, ME Webber
ECS Transactions 53 (7), 17, 2013
Grid-interactive efficient buildings technical report series: Overview of research challenges and gaps. 2019
M Neukomm, V Nubbe, R Fares
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 0
Improving characterization of miscellaneous energy loads in energy demand models
R Fares, M Sofos, J Langevin, R Hosbach, A Meier, J Butzbaugh, ...
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