Eduardo Mundstock
Eduardo Mundstock
Secretaria da Educação, Esporte e Lazer de Canela/RS. Prefeitura Municipal de Canela
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Effect of obesity on telomere length: systematic review and meta‐analysis
E Mundstock, EE Sarria, H Zatti, F Mattos Louzada, L Kich Grun, ...
Obesity 23 (11), 2165-2174, 2015
Reference values for the phase angle of the electrical bioimpedance: Systematic review and meta-analysis involving more than 250,000 subjects
R Mattiello, MA Amaral, E Mundstock, PK Ziegelmann
Clinical nutrition 39 (5), 1411-1417, 2020
Effects of physical activity in telomere length: systematic review and meta-analysis
E Mundstock, H Zatti, FM Louzada, SG Oliveira, FTCR Guma, MM Paris, ...
Ageing research reviews 22, 72-80, 2015
Association between phase angle from bioelectrical impedance analysis and level of physical activity: Systematic review and meta-analysis
E Mundstock, MA Amaral, RR Baptista, EE Sarria, RRG Dos Santos, ...
Clinical Nutrition 38 (4), 1504-1510, 2019
Effects of diet on telomere length: systematic review and meta-analysis
LM Pérez, MA Amaral, E Mundstock, FM Barbé-Tuana, FTCR Guma, ...
Public Health Genomics 20 (5), 286-292, 2018
Mazzola In Memoriam, J
E Mundstock, EE Sarria, H Zatti, F Mattos Louzada, L Kich Grun, ...
Epifanio, M, 2165-2174, 2015
Body composition parameters can better predict body size dissatisfaction than body mass index in children and adolescents
RRG Dos Santos, GC Forte, E Mundstock, MA Amaral, CG da Silveira, ...
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 25 …, 2020
Health-related quality of life in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans,
EE Sarria, E Mundstock, DG Machado, HT Mocelin, GB Fischer, SP Furlan, ...
Jornal de Pediatria 94 (4), 374-379, 2018
Evidence on nutritional assessment techniques and parameters used to determine the nutritional status of children and adolescents: systematic review
AS Sampaio, M Epifanio, CAD Costa, VL Bosa, FJ Benedetti, EE Sarria, ...
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 23 (12), 4209-4219, 2018
Resultados da primeira fase do Programa Esporte e Saúde em Canela, Rio Grande do Sul: avaliação do perfil nutricional
E Mundstock, A de Oliveira Toledo, DG de Oliveira, P Reimann, ...
Scientia Medica 27 (4), 4, 2017
E Mundstock, MA Amaral, RR Baptista, EE Sarria, RRG Dos Santos
AD, 0
Can skinfold thickness equations be substituted for bioimpedance analysis in children?
GC Forte, CAS Rodrigues, E Mundstock, TS Santos, A Detoni Filho, ...
Jornal de pediatria 97, 75-79, 2021
68Ga-Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (pet) in prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
CS Matushita, AMM Silva, PN Schuck, M Bardisserotto, DB Piant, ...
International braz j urol 47 (4), 705-729, 2021
AD, Rodrigues CAS, Forte GC, Castro L., Padoin AV, et al. Association between phase angle from bioelectrical impedance analysis and level of physical activity: Systematic …
E Mundstock, MA Amaral, RR Baptista, EE Sarria, RRG Dos Santos Filho
Clin. Nutr 38, 1504-1510, 2019
AD, Rodrigues CAS, Forte GC, Castro L, Padoin AV, Stein R, Perez LM, Ziegelmann PK, Mattiello R. Association between phase angle from bioelectrical impedance analysis and level …
E Mundstock, MA Amaral, RR Baptista, EE Sarria, RRG Dos Santos Filho
Clin Nutr, 32425-7, 2018
Brazilian reference percentiles for bioimpedance phase angle of healthy individuals
R Mattiello, E Mundstock, PK Ziegelmann
Frontiers in Nutrition 9, 912840, 2022
Consuming a low-calorie amount of routine food and drink does not affect bioimpedance body fat percentage in healthy individuals
E Mundstock, FM Vendrusculo, A Detoni Filho, R Mattiello
Nutrition 91, 111426, 2021
Efeitos da prática orientada de exercícios físicos em pacientes do SUS no município de Canela, Brasil
J Azevedo, E Mundstock
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte 40, 339-345, 2018
Phase angle of bioimpedance as a marker of inflammation in cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review
J Ceolin, EL de Borba, E Mundstock, JR de Oliveira, R Mattiello, ...
Nutrition 112, 112064, 2023
Reference percentiles for bioimpedance body composition parameters of healthy individuals: A cross-sectional study
MA Amaral, E Mundstock, CH Scarpatto, W Cañon-Montañez, R Mattiello
Clinics 77, 100078, 2022
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