Aubrie Onoufriou
Aubrie Onoufriou
Marine Directorate, Scottish Government
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Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon
SE Nelms, J Alfaro-Shigueto, JPY Arnould, IC Avila, SB Nash, E Campbell, ...
Endangered Species Research 44, 291-325, 2021
Future directions in research on beaked whales
SK Hooker, NA De Soto, RW Baird, EL Carroll, D Claridge, L Feyrer, ...
Frontiers in marine Science 5, 514, 2019
Speciation in the deep: genomics and morphology reveal a new species of beaked whale Mesoplodon eueu
EL Carroll, MR McGowen, ML McCarthy, FG Marx, N Aguilar, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1961), 20211213, 2021
Genetic population structure of harbour seals in the United Kingdom and neighbouring waters
MT Olsen, V Islas, JA Graves, A Onoufriou, C Vincent, S Brasseur, AK Frie, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27 (4), 839-845, 2017
A workflow used to design low density SNP panels for parentage assignment and traceability in aquaculture species and its validation in Atlantic salmon
LE Holman, A Onoufriou, B Hillestad, IA Johnston
Aquaculture 476, 59-64, 2017
Perturbation drives changing metapopulation dynamics in a top marine predator
EL Carroll, A Hall, MT Olsen, AB Onoufriou, OE Gaggiotti, DJF Russell
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1928), 20200318, 2020
Biogeography in the deep: Hierarchical population genomic structure of two beaked whale species
AB Onoufriou, OE Gaggiotti, NA de Soto, ML McCarthy, PA Morin, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 40, e02308, 2022
Population structure and genetic connectivity reveals distinctiveness of Irish harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and implications for conservation management
K Steinmetz, S Murphy, OÓ Cadhla, EL Carroll, AB Onoufriou, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 33 (2), 160-178, 2023
DNA in the deep: comparative molecular ecology for the conservation of beaked whales
AB Onoufriou
The University of St Andrews, 2023
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