Sandra Afonso
Sandra Afonso
Researcher at Centre for Functional Ecology (CFE)
在 uc.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
Diagnosing the nutritional condition of chestnut groves by soil and leaf analyses
M Arrobas, S Afonso, MÂ Rodrigues
Scientia Horticulturae 228, 113-121, 2018
Recycling nutrient-rich hop leaves by composting with wheat straw and farmyard manure in suitable mixtures
S Afonso, M Arrobas, EL Pereira, MÂ Rodrigues
Journal of Environmental Management 284, 112105, 2021
Liming and application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and boron on a young plantation of chestnut
M Arrobas, S Afonso, IQ Ferreira, J Moutinho-Pereira, CM Correia, ...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 41 (6), 441-451, 2017
CSR of top Portuguese companies: relation between social performance and economic performance
SC Afonso, PO Fernandes, AP Monte
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 6 (6), 793-797, 2012
Soil and plant analyses to diagnose hop fields irregular growth
S Afonso, M Arrobas, MÂ Rodrigues
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20 (4), 1999-2013, 2020
Response of stevia to nitrogen fertilization and harvesting regime in Northeastern Portugal
MÂ Rodrigues, S Afonso, IQ Ferreira, M Arrobas
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 63 (5), 626-637, 2017
Assessing the potential use of two portable chlorophyll meters in diagnosing the nutritional status of plants
S Afonso, M Arrobas, IQ Ferreira, MÂ Rodrigues
Journal of plant nutrition 41 (2), 261-271, 2018
Leaf nutrient concentration standards for lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora Paláu) obtained from field and pot fertilization experiments
S Afonso, M Arrobas, IQ Ferreira, MÂ Rodrigues
Journal of applied research on medicinal and aromatic plants 8, 33-40, 2018
Sufficiency ranges and crop nutrient removals for peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.) established from field and pot fertilizer experiments
M Arrobas, IQ Ferreira, S Afonso, MÂ Rodrigues
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 49 (14), 1719-1730, 2018
Comparison of acute physiological adaptations between three variants of a basic head-out water exercise
G Costa, S Afonso, JA Bragada, VM Reis, TM Barbosa
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano 10 (4), 323-329, 2008
Response of hops to algae-based and nutrient-rich foliar sprays
S Afonso, M Arrobas, MÂ Rodrigues
Agriculture 11 (8), 798, 2021
Responsabilbidade social empresarial das empresas cotadas pertencentes ao PSI20: análise evolutiva e relação com o desempenho económico-financeiro
SC Afonso, PO Fernandes, AP Monte
XV Encuentro AECA, 2012
Metalaxyl-M, phosphorous acid and potassium silicate applied as soil drenches show different chestnut seedling performance and protection against Phytophthora root rot
JN Rosário, V Coelho, MÂ Rodrigues, S Raimundo, S Afonso, M Arrobas, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 161 (1), 147-159, 2021
Twenty-years of hop irrigation by flooding the inter-row did not cause a gradient along the row in soil properties, plant elemental composition and dry matter yield
S Afonso, M Arrobas, MÂ Rodrigues
Horticulturae 7 (7), 194, 2021
Quantification of loss in oilseed rape yield caused by delayed sowing date in a Mediterranean environment
MÂ Rodrigues, S Afonso, N Tipewa, A Almeida, M Arrobas
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (12), 1630-1645, 2019
Dimensions of portuguese corporate social responsibility: a multivariate analysis.
PO Fernandes, SC Afonso, AP Monte
XVI Congreso Internacional de la Academia de Ciencias Administrativas, 2012
The Phenolic Composition of Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) Was Highly Influenced by Cultivar and Year and Little by Soil Liming or Foliar Spray Rich in Nutrients or …
S Afonso, MI Dias, ICFR Ferreira, M Arrobas, M Cunha, L Barros, ...
Horticulturae 8 (5), 385, 2022
Agronomic and chemical evaluation of hop cultivars grown under Mediterranean conditions
S Afonso, M Arrobas, MÂ Rodrigues
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 19 (3), e0904-e0904, 2021
Sufficiency ranges and nutrient removals in lemon balm based on crop response to applied nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and boron
MA Rodrigues, IQ Ferreira, S Afonso, M Arrobas
J Plant Nutr 41 (8), 996-1008, 2018
Corporate social responsibility for the PSI 20 portuguese companies
PO Fernandes, AP Monte, SC Afonso
Responsibility and Sustainability Review 1 (2), 7-15, 2013
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