Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm RM Entman Journal of communication 43 (4), 51-58, 1993 | 26972 | 1993 |
Projections of power: Framing news, public opinion, and US foreign policy RM Entman University of Chicago Press, 2004 | 4590* | 2004 |
Framing bias: Media in the distribution of power RM Entman Journal of communication 57 (1), 163-173, 2007 | 3129 | 2007 |
Framing US coverage of international RM Entman Journal of communication 41 (4), 52, 1991 | 3034 | 1991 |
The black image in the white mind: Media and race in America RM Entman, A Rojecki University of Chicago Press, 2001 | 1938 | 2001 |
Democracy without citizens: Media and the decay of American politics RM Entman Oxford University Press, USA, 1989 | 1831 | 1989 |
Cascading activation: Contesting the White House's frame after 9/11 RM Entman Political Communication, 20 (4), 415-432, 2003 | 1728 | 2003 |
Mediated politics: Communication in the future of democracy WL Bennett, RM Entman Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 1179 | 2000 |
Blacks in the news: Television, modern racism, and cultural change CCRM Entman Communication and Law, 231-254, 2006 | 1019 | 2006 |
Media power politics DL Paletz, RM Entman (No Title), 1981 | 722 | 1981 |
Modern racism and the images of blacks in local television news RM Entman Critical studies in media communication 7 (4), 332-345, 1990 | 692 | 1990 |
Freezing out the public: Elite and media framing of the US anti‐nuclear movement RM Entman, A Rojecki Taylor & Francis Group 10 (2), 155-173, 1993 | 690 | 1993 |
How the media affect what people think: An information processing approach RM Entman The journal of Politics 51 (2), 347-370, 1989 | 636 | 1989 |
Democracy and the media: a comparative perspective R Gunther, A Mughan Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 633 | 2000 |
Media framing biases and political power: Explaining slant in news of Campaign 2008 RM Entman Journalism 11 (4), 389-408, 2010 | 618 | 2010 |
Nature, sources, and effects of news framing RM Entman, J Matthes, L Pellicano The handbook of journalism studies, 195-210, 2009 | 595 | 2009 |
Representation and reality in the portrayal of blacks on network television news RM Entman Journalism Quarterly 71 (3), 509-520, 1994 | 532 | 1994 |
Theorizing mediated public diplomacy: The US case RM Entman The International Journal of Press/Politics 13 (2), 87-102, 2008 | 502 | 2008 |
Scandal and silence: Media responses to presidential misconduct RM Entman Polity, 2012 | 349 | 2012 |
Framing in a fractured democracy: Impacts of digital technology on ideology, power and cascading network activation RM Entman, N Usher Journal of communication 68 (2), 298-308, 2018 | 298 | 2018 |