Balázs Tarján
Improved Recognition of Spontaneous Hungarian Speech—Morphological and Acoustic Modeling Techniques for a Less Resourced Task
P Mihajlik, Z Tüske, B Tarján, B Németh, T Fegyó
Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on 18 (6), 1588-1600, 2010
Automatic close captioning for live hungarian television broadcast speech: A fast and resource-efficient approach
Á Varga, B Tarján, Z Tobler, G Szaszák, T Fegyó, C Bordás, P Mihajlik
Speech and Computer: 17th International Conference, SPECOM 2015, Athens …, 2015
On morph-based LVCSR improvements
B Tarján, P Mihajlik
Proc. of the 2nd Int. Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under …, 2010
Evaluation of lexical models for Hungarian Broadcast speech transcription and spoken term detection
B Tarján, P Mihajlik, A Balog, T Fegyó
2nd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2011
Speech recognition experiments with audiobooks
L Tóth, B Tarján, G Sárosi, P Mihajlik
Acta Cybernetica 19 (4), 695-713, 2010
A Bilingual Study on the Prediction of Morph-Based Improvement
B Tarján, T Fegyό, P Mihajlik
Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages, 131-138, 2014
Improved recognition of Hungarian call center conversations
B Tarján, G Sárosi, T Fegyó, P Mihajlik
Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2013 7th Conference on …, 2013
Broadcast news transcription in Central-East European languages
B Tarján, T Mozsolics, A Balog, D Halmos, T Fegyó, P Mihajlik
3rd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 59-64, 2012
BEA-Base: A Benchmark for ASR of Spontaneous Hungarian
P Mihajlik, A Balog, TE Gráczi, A Kohári, B Tarján, K Mády
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2022
Investigating sub-word embedding strategies for the morphologically rich and free phrase-order Hungarian
B Döbrössy, M Makrai, B Tarján, G Szaszák
4th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, 187-193, 2019
On modeling non-word events in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition
G Sárosi, B Tarján, A Balog, T Mozsolics, P Mihajlik, T Fegyó
3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2012
Investigation on N-gram approximated RNNLMs for recognition of morphologically rich speech
B Tarján, G Szaszák, T Fegyó, P Mihajlik
Statistical Language and Speech Processing: 7th International Conference …, 2019
A Bilingual Comparison of MaxEnt-and RNN-based Punctuation Restoration in Speech Transcripts
MÁ Tündik, B Tarján, G Szaszák
8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2017
Magyar nyelvű, élő közéleti- és hírműsorok gépi feliratozása
B Tarján, Á Varga, Z Tobler, G Szaszák, T Fegyó, C Bordás, P Mihajlik
XII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia, 89-99, 2016
Low Latency MaxEnt-and RNN-Based Word Sequence Models for Punctuation Restoration of Closed Caption Data
MÁ Tündik, B Tarján, G Szaszák
Statistical Language and Speech Processing: 5th International Conference …, 2017
Automated transcription of conversational Call Center speech–with respect to non-verbal acoustic events
G Sárosi, B Tarján, T Fegyó, P Mihajlik
Intelligent Decision Technologies 8 (4), 265-275, 2014
Investigation of Morph-based Speech Recognition Improvements across Speech Genres
P Mihajlik, B Tarján, Z Tüske, T Fegyó
Tenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2009
Writing with Speech: A Qualitative User Evaluation Study
L Szabó, B Tarján, P Mihajlik
5th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 355 - 360, 2014
Deep Transformer based Data Augmentation with Subword Units for Morphologically Rich Online ASR
B Tarján, G Szaszák, T Fegyó, P Mihajlik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06949, 2020
A Low Latency Sequential Model and its User-Focused Evaluation for Automatic Punctuation of ASR Closed Captions
MÁ Tündik, B Tarján, G Szaszák
Computer Speech & Language 63, 101076, 2020
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