Dinesh Sah
Dinesh Sah
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
在 cse.ism.ac.in 的电子邮件经过验证
EDGF: Empirical dataset generation framework for wireless sensor networks
DK Sah, K Cengiz, PK Donta, VN Inukollu, T Amgoth
Computer Communications 180, 48-56, 2021
Parametric survey on cross-layer designs for wireless sensor networks
DK Sah, T Amgoth
Computer Science Review 27, 112-134, 2018
Load-balance scheduling for intelligent sensors deployment in industrial internet of things
DK Sah, TN Nguyen, K Cengiz, B Dumba, V Kumar
Cluster Computing 25 (3), 1715-1727, 2022
3D localization and error minimization in underwater sensor networks
DK Sah, TN Nguyen, M Kandulna, K Cengiz, T Amgoth
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 18 (3), 1-25, 2022
Text-dependent speaker verification system: A review
S Debnath, B Soni, U Baruah, DK Sah
2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control …, 2015
5G applications and architectures
DK Sah, DP Kumar, C Shivalingagowda, PVY Jayasree
5G Enabled Secure Wireless Networks, 45-68, 2019
Optimization problems in wireless sensors networks
DK Sah, C Shivalingagowda, DP Kumar
Soft computing in wireless sensor networks, 29-50, 2018
Cathedral and Indian Mughal monument recognition using tensorflow
A Ninawe, AK Mallick, V Yadav, H Ahmad, DK Sah, C Barna
Soft Computing Applications: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop …, 2021
Comparison of DTW score and warping path for text dependent speaker verification system
TK Das, S Misra, SP Choudhury, DK Sah, U Baruah, RH Laskar
2015 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies …, 2015
Efficient energy and position aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
C Shivalingagowda, PVY Jayasree, DK Sah
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 14 (5), 1929-1950, 2020
Reliable ilp approach of max-rwa problem for translucent optical network
DK Sah, H Ahmad, A Uniyal
2016 Thirteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical …, 2016
Energy efficient medium access control protocol for data collection in wireless sensor network: A Q-learning approach
DK Sah, T Amgoth, K Cengiz
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 53, 102530, 2022
Wireless sensor network routing protocols using machine learning
C Shivalingagowda, H Ahmad, PVY Jayasree, DK Sah
Architectural Wireless Networks Solutions and Security Issues, 99-120, 2021
Boolean directional sensor orientation solution for K-coverage in wireless sensor network
S Chaya, PVY Jayasree, S Kumar, DK Sah
2018 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Information …, 2018
SOHCL-RDT: A self-organized hybrid cross-layer design for reliable data transmission in wireless network
K Cengiz, DK Sah, N Ivković, B Salah
Physical communication 60, 102132, 2023
Early alert for sleep deprivation using mobile sensor data fusion
DK Sah, K Cengiz, Y Alshehri, N Alnazzawi, N Ivković
Computers and Electrical Engineering 102, 108228, 2022
Prevention of DDoS attack through harmonic homogeneity difference mechanism on traffic flow
N Agrawal, S Kumar, DK Sah
2018 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Information …, 2018
Advancing medical recommendations with federated learning on decentralized data: A roadmap for implementation
R Kumari, DK Sah, S Gupta, K Cengiz, N Ivković
Ieee transactions on consumer electronics, 2023
DDoS Attack Prevention Protocol Through Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Clustering Mechanism on Traffic Flow with Harmonic Homogeneity Validation Technique
K Joon, N Agrawal, H Ahmad, V Yadav, DK Sah, C Barna
Soft Computing Applications: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop …, 2021
Coverage optimization using nature-inspired algorithm for directional sensor networks
H Ahmad, C Shivalingagowda, N Kohli, D Kumar Sah
Nature-Inspired Computing for Smart Application Design, 169-191, 2021
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