Mihaela Lungu
Mihaela Lungu
在 icpa.ro 的电子邮件经过验证
Basal cell carcinoma: Comprehensive clinical and histopathological aspects, novel imaging tools and therapeutic approaches
E Niculet, M Craescu, L Rebegea, C Bobeica, F Nastase, G Lupasteanu, ...
Experimental and therapeutic medicine 23 (1), 1-8, 2022
Macro-and microelements abundance in some urban soils from Romania
R Lacatusu, AR Lacatusu, M Lungu, IG Breaban
Carpath J Earth Env 3 (1), 75-83, 2008
Soil pollution by acid rains and heavy metals in Zlatna region, Romania
R Lacatusu, M Dumitru, I Risnoveanu, C Ciobanu, M Lungu, S Carstea, ...
Sustaining the Global Farm. Selected papers from 10th International Soil …, 2001
Heavy metals soil pollution state in relation to potential future mining activities in the Roşia Montană area
R Lăcătuşu, G Cîtu, J Aston, M Lungu, AR Lăcătuşu
Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences 4 (2), 39-50, 2009
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A new synthesis of literature data
D Jicman, E Niculet, M Lungu, C Onisor, L Rebegea, D Vesa, L Bezman, ...
Experimental and therapeutic medicine 23 (2), 136, 2022
Heavy metals soil pollution state in relation to potential future mining activities in the Rosia Montana area
R Lacatusu, G Citu, J Aston, M Lungu, AR Lacatusu
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 4 (2), 39-50, 2009
Neural control of the thyroid gland: studies on the role of extrapyramidal and rhinencephalon areas in the development of the goiter
A Lupulescu, AL Nicolescu, B Gheorghiescu, E Merculiev, M Lungu
Endocrinology 70 (4), 517-524, 1962
Selenium in rock-soil-plant system in the South-Eastern part of Romania
R Lăcătuşu, MM Aldea, AR Lăcătuşu, M Lungu, VM Stroe, N Rizea, ...
Research Journal of Agricultural Science 42 (3), 199-204, 2010
A new eco-friendly foliar fertilizer with bone glue suitable for crops of maize and sunflower
DI Oprica, TM Cioroianu, M Lungu, IA Badea
Revista de Chimie 65 (1), 1-7, 2014
Phytoremediation of a sludge depozit proceeded from a city wastewater treatment plant
R Lacatusu, AR Lacatusu, MM Stanciu-Burileanu, DR Lazar, M Lungu, ...
Carpathian J. Earth Env. Sci 7 (1), 71-79, 2012
Old and new therapeutic strategies in systemic sclerosis
C Bobeica, E Niculet, AL Tatu, M Craescu, D Vata, L Statescu, AV Iancu, ...
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23 (2), 134, 2022
Plant growth suitable nutritive red mud composite materials from the Romanian dry landfilled red mud I. Red mud chemical and agrochemical characterization
R Lacatusu, A Kiselev, N Rizea, M Lungu, R Lazar, MM Stanciu-Burileanu, ...
Revista De Chimie 65 (9), 1008-1014, 2014
Selenium biofortification biotechnologies of wheat grain in south-eastern part of Romania for a better human health.
F Oancea, L Szabolcs, AO Oancea, R Lăcătuşu, B Abraham, ...
Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series), 2014
Încărcarea cu poluanţi proveniţi din îngrăşăminte şi pesticide a unor soluri, legume şi a apei freatice din partea sudică şi estică a municipiului Bucureşti
R Lăcătuşu, B Kovacsovics, D Plaxienco, I Rîşnoveanu, M Lungu, ...
Lucr. Simpoz.„Protecţia Mediului în Agricultură 1, 279-293, 2000
Clinical, histological and therapeutical aspects in the management of uterine and extrauterine stromal sarcomas
LF Rebegea, D Firescu, RM Anghel, L Gales, AM Ilie, ME Dumitru, ...
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22 (6), 1-7, 2021
Predictive value of immunological markers in systemic sclerosis
C Bobeica, E Niculet, AI Halip, L Gheuca-Solovastru, ML Draganescu, ...
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 22 (3), 994, 2021
Plant growth suitable nutritive red mud composite materials from the Romanian dry landfilled red mud II. Formulation nutritive composite materials and plant growth tests at …
R Lacatusu, A Kiselev, VM Stroe, N Rizea, M Lungu, R Lazar, ...
Rev. Chim 65, 1294-1305, 2014
Selenium abundance in some soils of Dobrogea (Romania) and ovine myodystrophy incidence
R Lăcătuşu, I Tripăduş, M Lungu, S Cârstea, B Kovacsovics, L Crăciun
Trans. 21-th Workshop „Macro and Trace Elements”, Jena, 114-119, 2002
Abundance of heavy metals in urban soils as concerns genesis and polluting impact
R Lăcătuşu, B Kovacsovics, IG Breabăn, S Cârstea, M Lungu, A Bretan
Revista Lucrări ştiinţifice. Seria Agronomie, 141-149, 2007
Heavy metals in urban soils of Iassy municipium
R Lăcătuşu, M Lungu, B Kovacsovics, IG Breabăn, C Rusu, I Rîşnoveanu
Transcripts of the International Conference “Disaster and Pollution …, 2005
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