Comparative study of biosorption of heavy metals using different types of algae E Romera, F González, A Ballester, ML Blázquez, JA Munoz Bioresource technology 98 (17), 3344-3353, 2007 | 831 | 2007 |
Biosorption with algae: a statistical review E Romera, F Gonzalez, A Ballester, ML Blázquez, JA Munoz Critical reviews in biotechnology 26 (4), 223-235, 2006 | 388 | 2006 |
Biosorption of heavy metals by Fucus spiralis E Romera, F Gonzalez, A Ballester, ML Blazquez, JA Munoz Bioresource technology 99 (11), 4684-4693, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Algal biosorption and biosorbents F González, E Romera, A Ballester, ML Blázquez, JÁ Muñoz, ... Microbial biosorption of metals, 159-178, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
Biosorption of Cd, Ni, and Zn with mixtures of different types of algae E Romera, F González, A Ballester, ML Blázquez, JÁ Muñoz Environmental Engineering Science 25 (7), 999-1008, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |
Equilibrios químicos en bioadsorción E Romera, F González, A Ballester, ML Blázquez, JA Muñoz Revista de metalurgia 43 (1), 29-41, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
Biosorption equilibria with Spirogyra insignis E Romera, P Fraguela, A Ballester, ML Blázquez, JA Muñoz, F González 15th International Biohydometallurgy Symposium. Athens Hellas Greece, 784, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
Límites y clasificación fitoclimática de Pinus nigra Arnold ER García, AF Cancio, JMG Corbí, R Bautista Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 99-108, 2001 | | 2001 |
Limits and phytoclimatic classification of Pinus nigra Arnold E Romera García, A Fernández Cancio, JM Grau Corbí, ... Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales (España), 2001 | | 2001 |
[Limits and phytoclimatic classification of Pinus nigra Arnold].[Spanish] R Garcia, F Cancio, GC JM, B Carrascosa Cuadernos de la Sociedad Espanola de Ciencias Forestales (Espana). no. 12., 2001 | | 2001 |
Limites y clasificacion fitoclimatica de Pinus pinea L. F Cancio, S Roscales, R Garcia, P Segador, M Menendez | | 2000 |
Limits and phytoclimatic classification of Pinus pinea L. A Fernández Cancio, S Sardinero Roscales, E Romera García, ... 1. Simposio del Pino Piñonero (Pinus pinea L.), Valladolid (España), 22-24 …, 2000 | | 2000 |
[Limits and phytoclimatic classification of Pinus pinea L.].[Spanish] F Cancio, S Roscales, R Garcia, P Segador, M Menendez 1. Simposio del Pino Pinonero (Pinus pinea L.). Valladolid (Espana). 22-24 …, 2000 | | 2000 |