Diksha Shukla
Diksha Shukla
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Beware, Your Hands Reveal Your Secrets!
D Shukla, R Kumar, A Serwadda, V Phoha
21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS), 2014
Towards Robotic Robbery on the Touch Screen
A Serwadda, V Phoha, Z Wang, R Kumar, D Shukla
ACM Transactions on Information And System Security, 2016
Stealing passwords by observing hands movement
D Shukla, VV Phoha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (12), 3086-3101, 2019
Continuous user authentication via unlabeled phone movement patterns
R Kumar, PP Kundu, D Shukla, VV Phoha
2017 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 177-184, 2017
Geometrical Localization Algorithm for Three Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks
R Kumar, S Kumar, D Shukla, RS Raw, O Kaiwartya
Wireless Personal Communications, 1-16, 2014
Low-dose radiation induced modification of ROS and apoptosis in thymocytes of whole body irradiated mice
BN Pandey, HD Sarma, D Shukla, KP Mishra
International Journal of Low Radiation 2 (1-2), 111-118, 2006
Load balancing mechanism using fuzzy row penalty method in cloud computing environment
N Kumar, D Shukla
Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development …, 2018
Physical Data Auditing for Attack Detection in Cyber-Manufacturing Systems: Blockchain for Machine Learning Process
J Song, D Shukla, M Wu, VV Phoha, YB Moon
ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2020
Thinking Unveiled: An Inference and Correlation Model to Attack EEG Biometrics
D Shukla, PP Kundu, R Malapati, S Poudel, Z Jin, V Phoha
Digital Threats: Research and Practice, 2020
Covid-19 Fake News Infodemic Research Dataset (CoVID19-FNIR Dataset)
JA Saenz, SR Kalathur Gopal, D Shukla
IEEE Dataport, 2021
Hidden Reality: Caution, Your Hand Gesture Inputs in the Immersive Virtual World are Visible to All!
SRK Gopal, D Shukla, JD Wheelock, N Saxena
Body-Taps: Authenticating Your Device Through Few Simple Taps
D Shukla, G Wei, D Xue, Z Jin, VV Phoha
9th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and …, 2018
Concealable biometric-based continuous user authentication system an EEG induced deep learning model
SRK Gopal, D Shukla
2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 1-8, 2021
Resource management through fuzzy assignment problem in cloud computing environment
N Kumar, D Shukla
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and …, 2016
Continuous Authentication Using Gait Patterns
AJ Nair, B Premjith, D Shukla, KP Soman
International Conference on Signal & Data Processing, 447-459, 2022
A temporal memory-based continuous authentication system
SRK Gopal, D Shukla
2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 1-7, 2021
Feature Engineering and Selection for the Identification of Fake News in social media
R Vinay, B Premjith, D Shukla, KP Soman
International Conference on Signal & Data Processing, 291-301, 2022
Review of Psychiatric Disorders in relation with Sleep Disturbances and the proposal of a Prediction System
K Banerjee, D Shukla, KG Harsha, A Jain, P Vinooth, G Pandey
2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics …, 2022
Looking Through Your Smartphone Screen to Steal Your Pin Using a 3D Camera
D Shukla, VV Phoha, S Prakash
Science and Information Conference, 1010-1020, 2018
HM-Auth: Redefining User Authentication in Immersive Virtual World through Hand Movement Signatures
SRK Gopal, P Gyreyiri, D Shukla
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