Dmitry Olyanich (Дмитрий Олянич)
Dmitry Olyanich (Дмитрий Олянич)
Institute of Automation and Control Processes
在 iacp.dvo.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
Si (111)-α-sqrt [3]× sqrt [3]-Au phase modified by In adsorption: Stabilization of a homogeneous surface by stress relief
DV Gruznev, IN Filippov, DA Olyanich, DN Chubenko, IA Kuyanov, ...
Physical Review B 73 (11), 115335, 2006
The manipulation of C60 in molecular arrays with an STM tip in regimes below the decomposition threshold
DA Olyanich, VG Kotlyar, TV Utas, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Nanotechnology 24 (5), 055302, 2013
From C60 “trilliumons” to “trilliumenes:” Self-assembly of 2D fullerene nanostructures on metal-covered silicon and germanium
AV Zotov, DA Olyanich, VV Mararov, TV Utas, LV Bondarenko, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (3), 2018
Self-assembly of C60 fullerenes on quasi-one-dimensional Si (111) 4× 1-In surface
VG Kotlyar, DA Olyanich, TV Utas, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Surface science 606 (23-24), 1821-1824, 2012
C60 capping of metallic 2D Tl-Au compound with preservation of its basic properties at the buried interface
DA Olyanich, VV Mararov, TV Utas, LV Bondarenko, AY Tupchaya, ...
Applied Surface Science 501, 144253, 2020
C60 layer growth on the Co/Si (1 1 1) 7× 7 surface
DA Olyanich, TV Utas, VG Kotlyar, AV Zotov, AA Saranin, LN Romashev, ...
Applied surface science 292, 954-957, 2014
Metal sheet of atomic thickness embedded in silicon
LV Bondarenko, AY Tupchaya, YE Vekovshinin, DV Gruznev, ...
ACS nano 15 (12), 19357-19363, 2021
Adsorption and self-assembly of fullerenes on Si (111) 3× 3-Ag: C60 versus C70
DA Olyanich, VV Mararov, TV Utas, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Surface Science 653, 138-142, 2016
Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of ultrathin epitaxial CoSi2(111) films grown at a high temperature
AA Alekseev, DA Olyanich, TV Utas, VG Kotlyar, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Technical Physics 60, 1508-1514, 2015
First-principles study of Si (111) 31× 31-In reconstruction
EN Chukurov, AA Alekseev, VG Kotlyar, DA Olyanich, AV Zotov, ...
Surface science 606 (23-24), 1914-1917, 2012
Growth of Au thin film on Cu-modified Si (1 1 1) surface
DV Gruznev, DA Olyanich, DN Chubenko, DA Tsukanov, EA Borisenko, ...
Surface science 603 (24), 3400-3403, 2009
Growth of In nanocrystallite arrays on the Si (1 0 0)-c (4× 12)–Al surface
DV Gruznev, DA Olyanich, VA Avilov, AA Saranin, AV Zotov
Surface science 600 (22), 4986-4991, 2006
C60 layer growth on intact and Tl-modified Si (1 1 1) 5× 2-Au surfaces
DA Olyanich, VV Mararov, TV Utas, AY Aladyshkin, AN Mihalyuk, ...
Applied Surface Science 456, 801-807, 2018
4× 1 to 7× 3 transition in the In∕ Ge_ {x} Si_ {1− x}(111) system induced by varying the substrate lattice constant
DV Gruznev, DA Olyanich, DN Chubenko, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Physical Review B 76 (7), 073307, 2007
The (2× 2) reconstructions on the surface of cobalt silicides: Atomic configuration at the annealed Co/Si (111) interface
VG Kotlyar, AA Alekseev, DA Olyanich, TV Utas, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Surface Science 662, 6-11, 2017
Diffusion and clustering of adatoms on discommensurate surface template: Ge atoms on Si (1 1 1)“5× 5”-Cu reconstruction
DV Gruznev, DA Olyanich, DN Chubenko, IV Gvozd, EN Chukurov, ...
Surface science 604 (7-8), 666-673, 2010
Structural and electronic effects of adsorbed Bi on the metallic atomic chains in Au/Si (111) 5× 2
DA Olyanich, TV Utas, LV Bondarenko, AY Tupchaya, DV Gruznev, ...
Applied Surface Science 558, 149859, 2021
Magic C60 islands forming due to moiré interference between islands and substrate
DA Olyanich, VV Mararov, TV Utas, OA Utas, DV Gruznev, AV Zotov, ...
Surface Science 635, 94-98, 2015
Structure of the Co/Si (111) 13× 13 surface revisited
DA Olyanich, TV Utas, AA Alekseev, VG Kotlyar, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Surface science 625, 57-63, 2014
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the early stages of epitaxial growth of CoSi2 and CoSi films on Si (111) substrate: surface and interface analysis
VG Kotlyar, AA Alekseev, DA Olyanich, TV Utas, AV Zotov, AA Saranin
Thin Solid Films 619, 153-159, 2016
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