James J Hack
The community climate system model version 3 (CCSM3)
WD Collins, CM Bitz, ML Blackmon, GB Bonan, CS Bretherton, JA Carton, ...
Journal of climate 19 (11), 2122-2143, 2006
The community earth system model: a framework for collaborative research
JW Hurrell, MM Holland, PR Gent, S Ghan, JE Kay, PJ Kushner, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (9), 1339-1360, 2013
Description of the NCAR community atmosphere model (CAM 3.0)
WD Collins, PJ Rasch, BA Boville, JJ Hack, JR McCaa, DL Williamson, ...
NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-464+ STR 226, 1326-1334, 2004
Description of the NCAR community climate model (CCM3)
JT Kiehl, JJ Hack, GB Bonan, BA Boville, BP Briegleb, DL Williamson, ...
NCAR Tech. Note, 1996
The national center for atmospheric research community climate model: CCM3
JT Kiehl, JJ Hack, GB Bonan, BA Boville, DL Williamson, PJ Rasch
Journal of Climate 11 (6), 1131-1149, 1998
A standard test set for numerical approximations to the shallow water equations in spherical geometry
DL Williamson, JB Drake, JJ Hack, R Jakob, PN Swarztrauber
Journal of computational physics 102 (1), 211-224, 1992
The formulation and atmospheric simulation of the Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3)
WD Collins, PJ Rasch, BA Boville, JJ Hack, JR McCaa, DL Williamson, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (11), 2144-2161, 2006
A new sea surface temperature and sea ice boundary dataset for the Community Atmosphere Model
JW Hurrell, JJ Hack, D Shea, JM Caron, J Rosinski
Journal of Climate 21 (19), 5145-5153, 2008
Parameterization of moist convection in the National Center for Atmospheric Research community climate model (CCM2)
JJ Hack
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 99 (D3), 5551-5568, 1994
Intraseasonal oscillations in 15 atmospheric general circulation models: Results from an AMIP diagnostic subproject
JM Slingo, KR Sperber, JS Boyle, JP Ceron, M Dix, B Dugas, W Ebisuzaki, ...
Climate Dynamics 12, 325-357, 1996
Absorption of solar radiation by clouds: Observations versus models
RD Cess, MH Zhang, P Minnis, L Corsetti, EG Dutton, BW Forgan, ...
Science 267 (5197), 496-499, 1995
Description of the NCAR community climate model (CCM2)
JJ Hack, BA Boville, BP Briegleb, JT Kiehl, PJ Rasch, DL Williamson
NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-382+ STR 120, 1993
Inertial stability and tropical cyclone development
WH Schubert, JJ Hack
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 39 (8), 1687-1697, 1982
Description of NCAR community climate model (CCM1), NCAR Tech. Note
DL Williamson, JT Kiehl, V Ramanathan, RE Dickinson, JJ Hack
NCAR/TN-285+ STR, 1987
Comparing clouds and their seasonal variations in 10 atmospheric general circulation models with satellite measurements
MH Zhang, WY Lin, SA Klein, JT Bacmeister, S Bony, RT Cederwall, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D15), 2005
Cloud feedback in atmospheric general circulation models: An update
RD Cess, MH Zhang, WJ Ingram, GL Potter, V Alekseev, HW Barker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 101 (D8), 12791-12794, 1996
The low-resolution CCSM3
SG Yeager, CA Shields, WG Large, JJ Hack
Journal of Climate 19 (11), 2545-2566, 2006
Nonlinear response of atmospheric vortices to heating by organized cumulus convection
JJ Hack, WH Schubert
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 43 (15), 1559-1573, 1986
A modified formulation of fractional stratiform condensation rate in the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2)
M Zhang, W Lin, CS Bretherton, JJ Hack, PJ Rasch
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D1), ACL 10-1-ACL 10-11, 2003
Description of the NCAR community climate model (CCM3). NCAR Tech. Note
JT Kiehl, JJ Hack, GB Bonan, BA Boville, BP Briegleb, DL Williamson, ...
National Center for Atmospheric Research: Boulder, CO, USA, 1996
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