Alvaro Aranda Muñoz
Poetics of Future Work: Blending Speculative Design with Artistic Methodology
N Bozic Yams, Á Aranda Muñoz
Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2021
The Karakuri card deck: co-designing industrial IOT conceptual solutions
ÁA Muñoz, U Florin, Y Eriksson, Y Yamamoto, K Sandström
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference 1, 807-816, 2020
Karakuri IoT - The Concept and the Result of Pre-Study
Y Yamamoto, K Sandström, AA Munoz
Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII: Proceedings of the 16th …, 2018
Co-Designing with AI in Sight
Á Aranda-Muñoz, U Florin, Y Yamamoto, Y Eriksson, K Sandström
Proceedings of the Design Society 2, 101-110, 2022
Re-Introducing Physical User Interfaces into Industrial Control Rooms
V Domova, M Ralph, E Vartiainen, AA Muñoz, A Henriksson, S Timsjö
Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017, 162-168, 2017
To support IoT Collaborative Expressiveness on the Shop Floor
ÁA Muñoz, Y Eriksson, Y Yamamoto, U Florin, K Sandström
Proceedings of the Design Society 1, 3149-3158, 2021
Method For Controlling An Industrial Robot During Lead-Through Programming Of The Robot And An Industrial Robot
A Henriksson, AA MUNOZ, E Vartiainen, J Blom, M Ralph
US Patent App. 16/482,600, 2020
Supporting maritime remote experts working over distance
G Zoric, V Domova, M Ralph, E Vartiainen, P Björndal, AA Muñoz
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 1-6, 2016
Integrating Scrum and UCD: Insights from Two Case Studies
AA Muñoz, KN Helander, T de Gooijer, M Ralph
Integrating User-Centred Design in Agile Development, 97-115, 2016
Development of methods that support exploration of simple and low-cost IoT-aided improvement solutions at manufacturing plants
Y Yamamoto, K Sandström, A Aranda Munoz
The 2018 Annual Autumn Meeting of Japan Industrial Management Association …, 2018
Practical Aspects of Designing a Human-centred AI System in Manufacturing
Y Yamamoto, AA Muñoz, K Sandström
Procedia Computer Science 232, 2626-2638, 2024
Co-Designing Technological Explorations in Developing Futures Literacy through Speculative Design and an Artistic Intervention
Á Aranda-Muñoz, N Bozic Yams, L Carlgren
Proceedings of the Design Society 3, 957-966, 2023
Feel the Water: Expressing Physicality of District Heating Processes in Functional Overview Displays
V Domova, A Aranda Muñoz, E Vaara, P Edoff
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces …, 2019
The Karakuri IoT toolkit: a collaborative solution for ideating and prototyping IoT opportunities
Á Aranda-Muñoz, Y Yamamoto, K Sandström
Proceedings of the Design Society 4, 185-194, 2024
Visionario: La visualización 3D mejora las operaciones de producción
M Ralph, AA Muñoz, S Timsjö, M Lundemalm
Revista ABB, 49-52, 2016
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