Данил Александрович Петров (Danil A. Petrov)
Данил Александрович Петров (Danil A. Petrov)
其他姓名Danil Petrov, Danil A. Petrov
Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (Perm State University)
在 psu.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
Orientational bistability and magneto-optical response in compensated ferronematic liquid crystals
AN Zakhlevnykh, DA Petrov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 401, 188-195, 2016
Weak coupling effects and re-entrant transitions in ferronematic liquid crystals
AN Zakhlevnykh, DA Petrov
Journal of Molecular Liquids 198, 223-233, 2014
Magnetic field induced orientational transitions in soft compensated ferronematics
AN Zakhlevnykh, DA Petrov
Phase Transitions 87 (1), 1-18, 2014
Freedericksz transition in compensated ferronematic liquid crystals
DA Petrov, AN Zakhlevnykh
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 557 (1), 60-72, 2012
Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic liquid crystal suspensions: Experiment and theory
S Burylov, D Petrov, V Lackova, K Zakutanska, N Burylova, A Voroshilov, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 321, 114467, 2021
Magnetic field induced orientational transitions in liquid crystals doped with carbon nanotubes
DA Petrov, PK Skokov, AN Zakhlevnykh
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 8 (1), 2807-2817, 2017
A simple model of liquid-crystalline magnetic suspension of anisometric particles
AN Zakhlevnykh, MS Lubnin, DA Petrov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 431, 62-65, 2017
On a simple molecular–statistical model of a liquid-crystal suspension of anisometric particles
AN Zakhlevnykh, MS Lubnin, DA Petrov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 123, 908-917, 2016
Influence of the segregation effect on the magnetic and optical properties of a compensated ferronematic liquid crystal
AN Zakhlevnykh, DA Petrov
Technical Physics 57, 1208-1218, 2012
Magnetic segregation effect in liquid crystals doped with carbon nanotubes
DA Petrov, PK Skokov, AN Zakhlevnykh, DV Makarov
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10 (1), 1464-1474, 2019
Orientational bistability in ferronematic liquid crystals with negative diamagnetic anisotropy
AN Zakhlevnykh, DA Petrov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393, 517-525, 2015
Statistical theory of magnetic field induced phase transitions in negative diamagnetic anisotropy liquid crystals doped with carbon nanotubes
DA Petrov, AN Zakhlevnykh
Journal of Molecular Liquids 287, 110901, 2019
Molecular-statistical theory of ferromagnetic liquid crystal suspensions
DA Petrov
Physical Review E 101 (3), 030701, 2020
Influence of ferromagnetic carbon nanotubes on magnetic transitions in liquid crystals
AN Zakhlevnykh, DA Petrov, PK Skokov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 127, 767-777, 2018
Fréedericksz transitions in 6CB based ferronematics—Effect of magnetic nanoparticles size and concentration
K Zakutanská, D Petrov, P Kopčanský, D Węgłowska, N Tomašovičová
Materials 14 (11), 3096, 2021
Электроконвекция слабопроводящей жидкости при униполярной инжекции заряда в постоянном электрическом поле
ВА Ильин, АН Мордвинов, ДА Петров
Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 147 (1), 181-188, 2015
Orientational ordering of a liquid-crystal suspension of carbon nanotubes in a magnetic field
DA Petrov, AN Zakhlevnykh, AV Mantsurov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 127, 357-369, 2018
Об одной простой молекулярно-статистической модели жидкокристаллической суспензии анизометричных частиц
АН Захлевных, МС Лубнин, ДА Петров
Журн. эксперим. и теор. физики 150 (5), 1041-1051, 2016
Electroconvection of a poorly conducting fluid under unipolar charge injection in a steady electric field
VA Il’in, AN Mordvinov, DA Petrov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 120, 161-168, 2015
Orientational transitions in antiferromagnetic liquid crystals
AN Zakhlevnykh, DA Petrov
Physics of the Solid State 58, 1906-1915, 2016
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