Artuur Leeuwenberg
Artuur Leeuwenberg
Assistant professor, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University
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Guidelines and quality criteria for artificial intelligence-based prediction models in healthcare: a scoping review
AAH de Hond, AM Leeuwenberg, L Hooft, IMJ Kant, SWJ Nijman, ...
NPJ digital medicine 5 (1), 2, 2022
Missing data is poorly handled and reported in prediction model studies using machine learning: a literature review
SWJ Nijman, AM Leeuwenberg, I Beekers, I Verkouter, JJL Jacobs, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 142, 218-229, 2022
Structured learning for temporal relation extraction from clinical records
A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2017
A Minimally Supervised Approach for Synonym Extraction with Word Embeddings
A Leeuwenberg, M Vela, J Dehdari, J van Genabith
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 111-142, 2016
Temporal Information Extraction by Predicting Relative Time-lines
A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2018
A Survey on Temporal Reasoning for Temporal Information Extraction from Text
A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 66, 341-380, 2019
Prediction models for COVID-19 clinical decision making
AM Leeuwenberg, E Schuit
The Lancet Digital Health 2 (10), e496-e497, 2020
Exploring pattern structures of syntactic trees for relation extraction
A Leeuwenberg, A Buzmakov, Y Toussaint, A Napoli
Formal Concept Analysis: 13th International Conference, ICFCA 2015, Nerja …, 2015
Towards extracting absolute event timelines from english clinical reports
A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 28, 2710-2719, 2020
Performance of binary prediction models in high-correlation low-dimensional settings: a comparison of methods
AM Leeuwenberg, M van Smeden, JA Langendijk, A van der Schaaf, ...
Diagnostic and prognostic research 6 (1), 1, 2022
Guidelines and quality criteria for artificial intelligence-based prediction models in healthcare: a scoping review. NPJ Digit Med [Internet]. 2022; 5 (1): 2
AAH De Hond, AM Leeuwenberg, L Hooft, IMJ Kant, SWJ Nijman, ...
This work identifies actionable guidelines for the development, evaluation …, 0
KULeuven-LIIR at SemEval-2017 task 12: Cross-domain temporal information extraction from clinical records
A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
Proceedings of SemEval-2017 International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2017
Kuleuven-liir at semeval 2016 task 12: Detecting narrative containment in clinical records
A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2016
Binary and multitask classification model for Dutch anaphora resolution: Die/dat prediction
L Allein, A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.02943, 2020
Comparing methods addressing multi-collinearity when developing prediction models
AM Leeuwenberg, M van Smeden, JA Langendijk, A van der Schaaf, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01603, 2021
LSTM for dialogue breakdown detection: exploration of different model types and word embeddings
M Hendriksen, A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
Increasing Naturalness and Flexibility in Spoken Dialogue Interaction: 10th …, 2021
Automatically correcting Dutch pronouns" die" and" dat"
L Allein, A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal 10, 19-36, 2020
Word-level loss extensions for neural temporal relation classification
A Leeuwenberg, MF Moens
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2018
A flexible and easy-to-use semantic role labeling framework for different languages
QNT Do, A Leeuwenberg, G Heyman, MF Moens
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational …, 2018
Saarland University’s Participation in the Second Shared Task on Source, Subjective Expression and Target Extraction from Political Speeches (STEPS-2016)
M Wiegand, NM Aliman, T Anikina, P Carroll, M Chikobava, E Hahn, ...
Bochumer Linguistische Arbeitsberichte, 14, 2016
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