Joseph R. Barr
Joseph R. Barr
在 erau.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The impact of colleges and hospitals to local real estate markets
R Rivas, D Patil, V Hristidis, JR Barr, N Srinivasan
Journal of Big Data 6 (1), 1-24, 2019
Telemedicine, Homecare in the Era of COVID-19 & beyond
JR Barr, D D’Auria, F Persia
2020 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for …, 2020
Real estate image classification
JH Bappy, JR Barr, N Srinivasan, AK Roy-Chowdhury
2017 ieee winter conference on applications of computer vision (wacv), 373-381, 2017
Home price index: a machine learning methodology
JR Barr, EA Ellis, A Kassab, CL Redfearn, NN Srinivasan, KB Voris
International Journal of Semantic Computing 11 (01), 111-133, 2017
Combinatorial code classification & vulnerability rating
JR Barr, P Shaw, FN Abu-Khzam, S Yu, H Yin, T Thatcher
2020 second international conference on transdisciplinary AI (TransAI), 80-83, 2020
Combinatorial text classification: the effect of multi-parameterized correlation clustering
JR Barr, P Shaw, FN Abu-Khzam, J Chen
2019 First International Conference on Graph Computing (GC), 29-36, 2019
Empagliflozin in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, J Abbas, K Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, ...
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 11 (12), 905-914, 2023
Estimation of the investability of real estate properties through text analysis
M Shahbazi, JR Barr, V Hristidis, NN Srinivasan
2016 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 301-306, 2016
Vulnerability rating of source code with token embedding and combinatorial algorithms
JR Barr, P Shaw, FN Abu-Khzam, T Thatcher, S Yu
International Journal of Semantic Computing 14 (04), 501-516, 2020
Anomaly detection in healthcare: Detecting erroneous treatment plans in time series radiotherapy data
T Sipes, S Jiang, K Moore, N Li, H Karimabadi, JR Barr
International Journal of Semantic Computing 8 (03), 257-278, 2014
A greedy heuristic for cluster editing with vertex splitting
FN Abu-Khzam, JR Barr, A Fakhereldine, P Shaw
2021 4th International conference on artificial intelligence for industries …, 2021
Topic models: A tutorial with R
GM Richardson, J Bowers, AJ Woodill, JR Barr, JM Gawron, RA Levine
International Journal of Semantic Computing 8 (01), 85-98, 2014
Ai application to data analysis, automatic file processing
J Barr, P Shaw
2018 First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for …, 2018
Forensics: Assessing model goodness: A machine learning view
JR Barr, J Cavanaugh
Encyclopedia with Semantic Computing and Robotic Intelligence 2 (02), 1850015, 2018
Upsampling, a comparative study with new ideas
JR Barr, M Sobel, T Thatcher
2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 318-321, 2022
Anomaly detection via correlation clustering
P Shaw, JR Barr, FN Abu-Khzam
2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 307-313, 2022
On the vulnerability of large corpora source code
JR Barr, T Thatcher
2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 314-317, 2022
Vulnerability analysis of the android kernel
JR Barr, P Shaw, T Thatcher
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.11214, 2021
Graph embedding: A methodological survey
JR Barr, P Shaw, FN Abu-Khzam, T Thatcher, TD Hocking
2022 fourth international conference on transdisciplinary AI (TransAI), 142-148, 2022
The variability of model specification
JR Barr, P Shaw, M Sobel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02490, 2021
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