Han-Chang Ku(辜漢章)
Han-Chang Ku(辜漢章)
在 mail.cgust.edu.tw 的电子邮件经过验证
Higher risk of depression after total mastectomy versus breast reconstruction among adult women with breast cancer: A systematic review and metaregression
S Padmalatha, YT Tsai, HC Ku, YL Wu, T Yu, SY Fang, NY Ko
Clinical breast cancer 21 (5), e526-e538, 2021
Suicidality among people living with HIV from 2010 to 2021: a systematic review and a meta-regression
YT Tsai, S Padmalatha, HC Ku, YL Wu, T Yu, MH Chen, NY Ko
Psychosomatic medicine 84 (8), 924-939, 2022
Incidence of herpes zoster in HIV-infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
HC Ku, YT Tsai, SP Konara-Mudiyanselage, YL Wu, T Yu, NY Ko
Journal of clinical medicine 10 (11), 2300, 2021
Dynamic changes in quality of life, psychological status, and body image in women who underwent a mastectomy as compared with breast reconstruction: an 8-year follow up
SP Konara Mudiyanselage, YL Wu, S Kukreti, CC Chen, CN Lin, YT Tsai, ...
Breast Cancer 30 (2), 226-240, 2023
Is nurse‐led case management effective in improving treatment outcomes for cancer patients? A systematic review and meta‐analysis
YL Wu, S Padmalatha KM, T Yu, YH Lin, HC Ku, YT Tsai, YJ Chang, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 77 (10), 3953-3963, 2021
Global overview of suicidal behavior and associated risk factors among people living with human immunodeficiency virus: A scoping review
YT Tsai, SP KM, HC Ku, YL Wu, NY Ko
PloS one 18 (3), e0269489, 2023
Reduced economic burden of AIDS-defining illnesses associated with adherence to antiretroviral therapy
HS Toh, CT Yang, KL Yang, HC Ku, CT Liao, S Kuo, HJ Tang, WC Ko, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 91, 44-49, 2020
Higher risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome and risk factors among patients with COVID-19: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression
YT Tsai, HC Ku, SD Maithreepala, YJ Tsai, LF Chen, NY Ko, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (22), 15125, 2022
Herpes zoster associated with stroke incidence in people living with human immunodeficiency virus: a nested case–control study
HC Ku, YL Wu, HT Yip, CY Hsieh, CY Li, HT Ou, YC Chen, NY Ko
BMC infectious diseases 23 (1), 636, 2023
Dynamic Changes in Quality of Life, Psychological Status, and Body Image in Women With Different Types of Breast Cancer Surgery: 8-year Follow Up
YL Wu, S Kukreti, CC Chen, CN Lin, YT Tsai, HC Ku, SY Fang, JD Wang, ...
辜漢章, 吳昱蓁, 黃琬琴, 蔡宜蓁, 曾偲華, 張嘉蘋
長庚護理 30 (3), 361-371, 2019
Improving the follow-up completion rate of community-dwelling individuals who screened positive for colorectal Cancer
HC Ku, HH Ou, TW Chen, YT Tsai
Hu Li Za Zhi 66 (3), 83-91, 2019
辜漢章, 歐蕙華, 陳姿彣, 蔡宜蓁
護理雜誌 66 (3), 83-91, 2019
Direct Medical Costs Associated with Opportunistic Infections in Hiv-Infected Patients in Taiwan
HS Toh, C Yang, K Yang, H Ku, H Ou, C Liao, H Tang, N Ko
Value in Health 21, S64, 2018
林秀蓉, 許芳華, 辜漢章
志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 18 (5), 122-132, 2018
Exploring a learning model for knowledge integration and the development of critical thinking among nursing students with previous learning: a qualitative study protocol
CC Lin, CY Han, YL Huang, HC Ku, LC Chen
BMC Medical Education 24 (1), 1140, 2024
YL Li, FH Hsu, JP Chang, HC Ku
源遠護理 18 (1), 35-41, 2024
The impact of sleep disturbances on suicide risk among people living HIV: An eleven-year national cohort
YT Tsai, TJ Chuang, SPK Mudiyanselage, HC Ku, YL Wu, CY Li, NY Ko
Journal of affective disorders 346, 122-132, 2024
Validation of the HEALTHQUAL questionnaire in Taiwan: A pilot study on reducing HIV-related stigma and discrimination in a healthcare settings
HS Toh, CT Liao, HC Ku, WP Chen, HC Wang, HJ Tang, BD Agins
HIV MEDICINE 24, 572-573, 2023
AC Chen, JP Chang, HC Ku
馬偕護理雜誌 17 (2), 65-75, 2023
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