J. Michael Hudson
Population status of Colorado pikeminnow in the Green River basin, Utah and Colorado
KR Bestgen, JA Hawkins, GC White, KD Christopherson, JM Hudson, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136 (5), 1356-1380, 2007
A portable electronarcosis system for anesthetizing salmonids and other fish
JM Hudson, JR Johnson, B Kynard
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31 (2), 335-339, 2011
Impacts of a changing climate on native lamprey species: from physiology to ecosystem services
CJ Wang, JM Hudson, G Lassalle, TA Whitesel
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2021
Genetic analyses of fish species in the upper Midwest
RD Fields, MDG Desjardins, JM Hudson, TW Kassler, JB Ludden, ...
Technical Report CAE 1997 (05), 1997
An integrated stocking plan for razorback sucker, bonytail, and Colorado pikeminnow for the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program
TP Nesler, K Christopherson, JM Hudson, CW McAda, F Pfeifer, ...
Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Addendum to State Stocking …, 2003
Evidence of panmixia between sympatric life history forms of coastal cutthroat trout in two lower Columbia River tributaries
JR Johnson, J Baumsteiger, J Zydlewski, JM Hudson, W Ardren
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (3), 691-701, 2010
Range-wide conservation agreement and strategy for Bonneville cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki utah)
LD Lentsch, CA Toline, J Kershner, JM Hudson, J Mizzi
Publication Number 00-19. Salt Lake City, UT: Utah Department of Natural …, 2000
Use of the Mainstem Columbia and Lower Snake Rivers by Migratory Bull Trout
MG Barrows, DR Anglin, PM Sankovich, JM Hudson, RC Koch, ...
Data Synthesis and Analyses. Final Report. US Fish and Wildlife Service …, 2016
Clackamas River bull trout reintroduction project
PM Barry, JM Hudson, JD Williamson, ML Koski, SP Clements
2013 Annual Report. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and US Fish and …, 2014
Short-term response of a coastal wetland fish assemblage to tidal regime restoration in Oregon
BP Silver, JM Hudson, SC Lohr, TA Whitesel
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8 (1), 193-208, 2017
An urban stream can support a healthy population of coastal cutthroat trout
BP Silver, JM Hudson, CT Smith, K Lujan, M Brown, TA Whitesel
Urban Ecosystems 21 (2), 291-304, 2018
Population Estimate for Humpback Chub (Gila Cypha) in Desolation and Gray Canyons, Green River, Utah, 2001-2003
JA Jackson, JM Hudson
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Moab Field Station, 2005
Reintroduction and monitoring of hatchery-reared bonytail in the Colorado and Green rivers: 1996–2001
PV Badame, JM Hudson
Final Report, Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program Project, 2003
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of selected populations of Bonneville, Colorado River and Yellowstone cutthroat trout
CA Toline, T Seamons, JM Hudson
The Authors, 1999
State of Utah stocking plan for endangered fish species of the upper Colorado River basin
JM Hudson
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, 1999
Lack of effect on embryo mortality and fry growth from adult Coho Salmon subjected to electronarcosis prior to spawning
JM Hudson, M Kavanagh, S Castle, B Silver
North American Journal of Aquaculture 76 (4), 346-350, 2014
Tryon Creek restoration monitoring project
JM Hudson, C Luzier, JR Cook, G Silver, J Johnson
FY-2005-2007 Progress Report. Columbia River Fisheries Program Office …, 2009
Effective population size, connectivity, and occupancy of bull trout: tools to assist in recovery
JM Hudson, BP Silver, JR Cook, TA Whitesel
US Fish and Wildlife Service. Columbia River Fish & Wildlife Conservation …, 2017
Lewis River bull trout recovery monitoring and evaluation: patches, occupancy and distribution. 2006-2007 Progress Report
JM Hudson, JR Cook, BP Silver, TA Whitesel
Columbia River Fisheries Program Office, Vancouver, Washington, 2010
Population trends and distributions of flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis) and bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus) in the lower Green River, 2001-2003
PV Badame, JM Hudson, JA Jackson
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Moab Field Station, 2004
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