Impact of a conventional introductory laboratory course on the understanding of measurement TS Volkwyn, S Allie, A Buffler, F Lubben Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 4 (1), 010108, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
Transduction and Science Learning: Multimodality in the Physics Laboratory. TS Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, F Heijkenskjöld Designs for Learning 11 (1), 16-29, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Studies of the effect of tracer activity on time-averaged positron emission particle tracking measurements on tumbling mills at PEPT Cape Town TS Volkwyn, A Buffler, I Govender, JP Franzidis, AJ Morrison, A Odo, ... Minerals Engineering 24 (3-4), 261-266, 2011 | 47 | 2011 |
Developing representational competence: linking real-world motion to physics concepts through graphs TS Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, C Linder Learning: Research and Practice 6 (1), 88-107, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |
Learning as accessing a disciplinary discourse: Integrating academic literacy into introductory physics through collaborative partnership D Marshall, H Conana, R Maclons, M Herbert, T Volkwyn Across the Disciplines 8 (3), 1-9, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Physics students learning about abstract mathematical tools when engaging with “invisible” phenomena T Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, F Heijkenskjöld, C Linder American Association of Physics Teachers Physics Education 2017 Summer …, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Learning to use Cartesian coordinate systems to solve physics problems: The case of ‘movability’ TS Volkwyn, B Gregorcic, J Airey, C Linder European journal of physics 41 (4), 045701, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
First year students' understanding of measurements in physics laboratory work TS Volkwyn | 10 | 2005 |
Learning physics through transduction: A social semiotic approach TS Volkwyn Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Multiple modes of epistemological access in Physics MS Herbert, CH Conana, TS Volkwyn, D Marshall Case studies of, 8, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |
Multimodal transduction in secondary school physics T Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, F Heijkenskjöld 8th International Conference on Multimodality, 7th-9th December 2016. Cape …, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
First year physics students’ understanding of the measurement in the context of laboratory practicals TS Volkwyn, S Allie, A Buffler, A Lubben, B Campbell Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the South African Association …, 2004 | 7 | 2004 |
Multimodal Transduction in Upper-secondary School Physics TS Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, F Heijkenskjöld International Science Education Conference (ISEC) 2018, National Institute …, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Developing Student Representational Competence J Airey, T Volkwyn X-DBER 2021, Nebraska, USA, 1-3 March, 2021, 2021 | | 2021 |
Can students’ mathematical expectations present a barrier to conceptual understanding?: Implementing an interactive learning activity in South African undergraduate physics T Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, C Linder | | 2020 |
Demonstrating The Role Of Transduction In The Teaching And Learning Of Science: The Case Of Students Learning About Magnetic Field TS Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, C Linder The 13th European Science Education Research Association, 26-30 August, 2019 …, 2019 | | 2019 |
The Role of Transduction in the Teaching and Learning of Science: Students Learning about Magnetic Field T Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, F Heijkenskjöld Lärarkonferens, Stockholm Univ., 7th May 2019, 2019 | | 2019 |
A new explanation for why PER curriculum materials work T Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, C Linder 8th biennial Foundations and Frontiers in Physics Education Research …, 2019 | | 2019 |
Problem solving and coordinate systems: It's not all about complicated calculations T Volkwyn, J Airey, B Gregorcic, F Heijkenskjöld, C Linder Från forskning till fysikundervisning 2018, Lund, Sweden, 10-11 April., 2018 | | 2018 |
Towards modelling formal learning in terms of the multimodal emergence of transduction. T Volkwyn, J Airey, S Wikman, C Linder 6th New Zealand Discourse Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 06-09 December 2017, 2017 | | 2017 |