Helen Huifen  Cai
Helen Huifen Cai
Middlesex University London UK
在 mdx.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Enhancing consumers’ self-reported loyalty intentions in Islamic Banks: The relationship between service quality and the mediating role of customer satisfaction
AO Dandis, LT Wright, DM Wallace-Williams, I Mukattash, M Al Haj Eid, ...
Cogent Business & Management 8 (1), 1892256, 2021
Nuclear localization signal deletion mutants of lamin A and progerin reveal insights into lamin A processing and emerin targeting
D Wu, AR Flannery, H Cai, E Ko, K Cao
Nucleus 5 (1), 66-74, 2014
Understanding innovation of new energy industry: Observing development trend and evolution of hydrogen fuel cell based on patent mining
H Zhou, J Dai, X Chen, B Hu, H Wei, HH Cai
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52, 548-560, 2024
Unravelling urban governance challenges: Objective assessment and expert insights on livability in Longgang District, Shenzhen
WH Zhang, Q Yuan, H Cai
Ecological Indicators 155, 110989, 2023
The effect of parental opportunism, IJV's autonomy and tacit knowledge on IJV instability: A comparison of multi-variate regression and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
LYV Cheng, HH Cai, Z Jin
Journal of Business Research 69 (11), 5203-5209, 2016
Foreign patents surge and technology spillovers in China (1985–2009): Evidence from the patent and trade markets
HH Cai, D Sarpong, X Tang, G Zhao
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151, 119784, 2020
Advantage of low quality in short life cycle products
Y Sun, HH Cai, R Su, Q Shen
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 32 (5), 1038-1054, 2020
Interest rate regulation, earnings transparency and capital structure: evidence from China
X Li, L Tian, L Han, H Cai
International Journal of Emerging Markets 15 (5), 923-947, 2020
The driving factors of corporate carbon emissions: an application of the LASSO model with survey data
M Xia, HH Cai
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (19), 56484-56512, 2023
Carbon deficit checks in high resolution and compensation under regional inequity
M Xia, X Chuai, H Xu, HH Cai, A Xiang, J Lu, F Zhang, M Li
Journal of Environmental Management 328, 116986, 2023
The effect of consumer resistance to innovation on innovation adoption: the moderating role of customer loyalty
Y Sun, W Ding, C Weng, I Cheah, HH Cai
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 34 (9), 1849-1863, 2022
The Routledge companion to marketing research
LT Wright, L Moutinho, M Stone, RP Bagozzi
Routledge, 2021
From cultural governance to cultural tourism: Towards an interpretation perspective
R Su, HH Cai
Tourism Culture & Communication 19 (4), 291-302, 2019
Economic viability and investment returns of innovative geothermal tri-generation systems: A comparative study
X Qian, J Dai, W Jiang, H Cai, X Ye, MS Vafadaran
Renewable Energy 226, 120396, 2024
Unravelling regional development through the production-living-ecological perspective: Assessing heterogeneity and expert insights
W Zhang, Q Yuan, H Cai
Urban Climate 55, 101937, 2024
Plenty of resources and energy security risk nexus: Evidence from BRICS economies
F Ullah, HH Cai, Q Yuan, J Ul-Haq
Resources Policy 92, 104981, 2024
International intermediaries: A systematic literature review and research agenda
Y Virtanen, Y Jiang, W You, HH Cai
European Management Journal, 2022
5G wireless technology evolution: identifying evolution pathways of core technologies based on patent networks
B Han, J Zhang, H Cai, M Xia, Y Tu, J Wu
Wireless Networks, 1-12, 2023
Land use change on the surface area and the influence on carbon
J Wen, X Chuai, T Zuo, HH Cai, L Cai, R Zhao, Y Chen
Ecological Indicators 153, 110400, 2023
The surge in blockchain-based patent applications: Booster or bumps?
S Tang, HH Cai, M Xia, AN Turi
Financial technologies and DeFi: A revisit to the digital finance revolution …, 2023
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