Marharyta Petukh
Marharyta Petukh
Presbyterian College
在 presby.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
DelPhi: a comprehensive suite for DelPhi software and associated resources
L Li, C Li, S Sarkar, J Zhang, S Witham, Z Zhang, L Wang, N Smith, ...
BMC biophysics 5, 1-11, 2012
Molecular mechanisms of disease-causing missense mutations
S Stefl, H Nishi, M Petukh, AR Panchenko, E Alexov
Journal of molecular biology 425 (21), 3919-3936, 2013
Structural and physico-chemical effects of disease and non-disease nsSNPs on proteins
TG Kucukkal, M Petukh, L Li, E Alexov
Current opinion in structural biology 32, 18-24, 2015
A mutation in a ganglioside biosynthetic enzyme, ST3GAL5, results in salt & pepper syndrome, a neurocutaneous disorder with altered glycolipid and glycoprotein …
L Boccuto, K Aoki, H Flanagan-Steet, CF Chen, X Fan, F Bartel, M Petukh, ...
Human molecular genetics 23 (2), 418-433, 2014
On human disease‐causing amino acid variants: Statistical study of sequence and structural patterns
M Petukh, TG Kucukkal, E Alexov
Human mutation 36 (5), 524-534, 2015
Predicting the impact of missense mutations on protein–protein binding affinity
M Li, M Petukh, E Alexov, AR Panchenko
Journal of chemical theory and computation 10 (4), 1770-1780, 2014
Predicting binding free energy change caused by point mutations with knowledge-modified MM/PBSA method
M Petukh, M Li, E Alexov
PLoS computational biology 11 (7), e1004276, 2015
The role of protonation states in ligand-receptor recognition and binding
M Petukh, S Stefl, E Alexov
Current pharmaceutical design 19 (23), 4182-4190, 2013
SAAFEC: predicting the effect of single point mutations on protein folding free energy using a knowledge-modified MM/PBSA approach
I Getov, M Petukh, E Alexov
International journal of molecular sciences 17 (4), 512, 2016
SAAMBE: webserver to predict the charge of binding free energy caused by amino acids mutations
M Petukh, L Dai, E Alexov
International journal of molecular sciences 17 (4), 547, 2016
How bacterial chemoreceptors evolve novel ligand specificities
JA Gavira, VM Gumerov, M Rico-Jiménez, M Petukh, AA Upadhyay, ...
MBio 11 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 03066-19, 2020
DelPhi suite: new developments and review of functionalities
C Li, Z Jia, A Chakravorty, S Pahari, Y Peng, S Basu, M Koirala, ...
Journal of computational chemistry 40 (28), 2502-2508, 2019
Progress in developing Poisson-Boltzmann equation solvers
C Li, L Li, M Petukh, E Alexov
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics 1 (2013), 42-62, 2013
Predicting nonspecific ion binding using DelPhi
M Petukh, M Zhenirovskyy, C Li, L Li, L Wang, E Alexov
Biophysical journal 102 (12), 2885-2893, 2012
Ion binding to biological macromolecules
M Petukh, E Alexov
Asian journal of physics: an international quarterly research journal 23 (5 …, 2014
Continuous development of schemes for parallel computing of the electrostatics in biological systems: Implementation in DelPhi
C Li, M Petukh, L Li, E Alexov
Journal of computational chemistry 34 (22), 1949-1960, 2013
A rational free energy-based approach to understanding and targeting disease-causing missense mutations
Z Zhang, S Witham, M Petukh, G Moroy, M Miteva, Y Ikeguchi, E Alexov
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (4), 643-651, 2013
BION web server: predicting non-specifically bound surface ions
M Petukh, T Kimmet, E Alexov
Bioinformatics 29 (6), 805-806, 2013
Chronic beryllium disease: revealing the role of beryllium ion and small peptides binding to HLA-DP2
M Petukh, B Wu, S Stefl, N Smith, D Hyde-Volpe, L Wang, E Alexov
PLoS One 9 (11), e111604, 2014
ProBLM web server: protein and membrane placement and orientation package
T Kimmett, N Smith, S Witham, M Petukh, S Sarkar, E Alexov
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2014 (1), 838259, 2014
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